09-02-2020 08:02 PM
The best thing about ebay was that their reps were awesome and could take action quickly. 4 days ago ebay told me they would remove the feedback on my other store in 48 hours.
It's a sad day when not very smart people can ruin a stores reputation and ebay won't do anything about it. I might as well go back to selling on amacon
09-02-2020 08:05 PM
Yay! The negative is gone! Better late than never!
09-02-2020 08:11 PM
Negative sweeps used to be made every Wednesday.
09-02-2020 09:41 PM
OP said it was on another account.
09-02-2020 11:28 PM
What EXACTLY does the FB say?
We need to know that to help advise you further.
FYI, I negative FB is not going to destroy your account. However if you decide to respond to it, you need to stay professional and keep your feelings out of it. Facts only and no emotions. What you respond will tell more about you to potential buyers than anything a buyer could say in their negative FB. So be careful not to do damage to yourself.
09-04-2020 11:51 AM
Thanks everyone for replying. The feedback hasnt yet been removed.
I did give a reply to the feedback. The buyer said he was very dissatisfied in his negative feedback. So in my reply to the feedback I said "but you said you didnt receive the item".
What I should have said was "buyer has wrong address on file".
09-04-2020 12:04 PM
So if the buyer didn't receive it where did it go??
09-04-2020 01:43 PM
@jbjbgraphicsusa wrote:Thanks everyone for replying. The feedback hasnt yet been removed.
I did give a reply to the feedback. The buyer said he was very dissatisfied in his negative feedback. So in my reply to the feedback I said "but you said you didnt receive the item".
What I should have said was "buyer has wrong address on file".
Again, what was the buyers EXACT words used in the FB. Without that information we can't accurately tell you much of anything.
09-04-2020 05:18 PM
Are you sure it wasn't a misdelivery by your chosen carrier? How much feedback did the buyer have?
09-04-2020 05:21 PM
Of course he was dissatisfied if he did not get the item no matter whos error it was even his own
09-07-2020 02:33 PM
the buyer admitted in my messages that it was his old address that he had on file.
i have had this happen before and ebay removed the feedback while i was still on the phone.
the buyer just said "very dissatisfied". and then like a retard i said "you said you didnt receive the item". what i should have said is you have the wrong address on file.
my clients pay a lot of money for what i sell. so theyre very picky about buying. my sales have dropped by about 30%. and here i havent did anything wrong.
it seems on such a cut and dry case that removing the feedback would be in ebays interest as they are losing money to.
imagine if scammers were to get wind of this they could literally run their competition out of business. ebays ability to act fast was my major attraction to ebay. looks like they have lost that ability