11-24-2024 04:12 PM
11-24-2024 04:19 PM - edited 11-24-2024 04:20 PM
@sarah-anna wrote:Isn't that the buyers responsibility?
If the auction has not ended yet, they should be able to retract their own bid (though I think there are some limitations on that if you're within 12 hours of ending, something like that). You can cancel it for them too.
One key difference is that a buyer retraction goes on their Feedback page record (their 12-month record of bid retractions is shown on the Feedback as a Buyer tab), but a seller cancellation is not logged anywhere.
When I encounter a bidder with cold feet, I generally suggest that they leave their bid where it is, and let someone else outbid them. That way the auction doesn't get tainted by a bid removal, which can make other bidders wonder what's going on.
I tell them that if the auction ends and they're the winner anyway, I will be happy to cancel at that time. If that happens and there are other bidders below the winner, I'll send the 2nd place guy a Second Chance Offer, and about half the time, I'll salvage a sale at only one bid increment below the flaky winner.
11-24-2024 04:13 PM
Buyers can't 'cancel' bids or purchases.
It's YOUR responsibility.
11-24-2024 04:16 PM
Tell the buyer to 'retract' their bid on their own.
Actually, I wouldn't even reply to such a question a buyer's email. I would just 'ghost' the email...but that's me.
11-24-2024 04:19 PM - edited 11-24-2024 04:20 PM
@sarah-anna wrote:Isn't that the buyers responsibility?
If the auction has not ended yet, they should be able to retract their own bid (though I think there are some limitations on that if you're within 12 hours of ending, something like that). You can cancel it for them too.
One key difference is that a buyer retraction goes on their Feedback page record (their 12-month record of bid retractions is shown on the Feedback as a Buyer tab), but a seller cancellation is not logged anywhere.
When I encounter a bidder with cold feet, I generally suggest that they leave their bid where it is, and let someone else outbid them. That way the auction doesn't get tainted by a bid removal, which can make other bidders wonder what's going on.
I tell them that if the auction ends and they're the winner anyway, I will be happy to cancel at that time. If that happens and there are other bidders below the winner, I'll send the 2nd place guy a Second Chance Offer, and about half the time, I'll salvage a sale at only one bid increment below the flaky winner.
11-24-2024 04:22 PM
They can cancel their own bid if done within a certain, short, period of time. If that has passed, you can cancel their bid. That may be better than letting it go and then they win and won't pay. When a bidder asks me to do that, I do it and then block them from any further bidding on my items. I have a low tolerance for childish games played by buyers.
11-24-2024 04:23 PM
Thank you!
11-24-2024 04:24 PM
Thank you!
11-24-2024 04:29 PM
@12345jamesstamps wrote:Tell the buyer to 'retract' their bid on their own.
Actually, I wouldn't even reply to such a question a buyer's email. I would just 'ghost' the email...but that's me.
Back in the day when I did Auctions, if a bidder asked me to cancel their bid I would send them a link to the instructions, if the buyer didn't take action within a few hours I would cancel it for them.
I suspect that most buyers have no idea that they can do it themselves. Apparently even some sellers don't know.
11-24-2024 04:57 PM
@76c wrote:They can cancel their own bid if done within a certain, short, period of time. ...
In eBay jargon, bidders retract bids and sellers cancel them. A bidder can retract their bid at any time if the auction has more than 12 hours left. During the final 12 hours, a bid can be retracted only within one hour of being placed. But a seller can cancel any bid at any time before the auction ends.
When a bidder starts the bid retraction process, they are asked to chose a reason from a very short list of valid retraction reasons (IIRC it's down to 2 reasons). But eBay does not follow up or enforce anything, so the list is sometimes referred to ask the "Pick a lie" list. There are members out there with hundreds of retractions in their history, with apparently no penalties.
I always cancel a bid if I'm asked to. The acceptance rate for Second Chance Offers is very low in most categories, so I follow the KISS principle and get rid of the unwilling bidder ASAP so the auction can get back on track with sincere bidders.