Bottom Feeders
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07-30-2024 12:28 PM
Anyone else noticing an EXTREME number of bottom feeders (those who send RIDICULOUSLY low offers) recently?
Example: I currently have some Brand New in the Box items for sale for $249.00. The lowest current price for these items anywhere on the Internet, whether it be Retail or Wholesale is $719.89! Yet, I get offers for less than $100.00!
Yes, I know I can set minimum prices with BIN but I’m always curious what responses I get and it allows me immediately block the buffoons!
I’m just trying to determine what to attribute this ‘bottom feeding” phenomenon to. I don’t think it’s the economy. The reason I say that is because when I’m out and about whenever I hear someone complain about the economy I watch them get into their $65,000 F250’s (or Dodge Monstertrucks, etc) and guzzle gas all the way to their $500,000+ suburban lairs where they undoubtedly have 2-3 other vehicles (read BMWs, Audis, Teslas, etc) parked in the driveway!
WTH? My wife and I earn a grand total $40-$45,000 a year (dependent on eBay proceeds), yet we own 2 vehicles outright (both Hybrids which average 40-45mpg) and we have a mortgage which we been paying on for 27 years. In 8 years we will have paid it off entirely. We are able to vacation 2 (and sometimes 3x) a year, we dine out 1-3 times a week and we have both been able to put together decent retirement accounts. We live modestly otherwise with very few “extravagant” purchases and the last thing either of us would do is offer less than $100 for an item that has already been discounted by 65%!
So other than the fact that most Americans are Self-Centered, Greedy and feel Entitled I’m just wondering if there are any other obvious clues regarding this descent into oblivion?
Your thoughts would be appreciated!
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08-08-2024 04:00 PM
Many buyers will make an offer based on what value and item has for those individual buyers. If I see an item for sale at $500, but it is only worth $100 to me, that’s what I might offer. It really doesn’t matter to me if the going rate is $200 $300 or $400.
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08-08-2024 09:32 PM
Sometimes buyers are simply inexperienced with eBay.
I recently sold a BIN listing, on which the buyer had messaged me "Make me an offer, and I'll buy it!" (A cool t-shirt, very reasonably priced.)
I messaged back that I was not accepting offers at this time and that I would probably keep the item if it didn't sell.
He ended up buying it and left very nice feedback.
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08-08-2024 10:46 PM
No need to apologize or seek support, just delete and don't even offer an answer, they'll figure it out, or forget. I wouldn't doubt if much is automated, no reason to waste your time as well.
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08-09-2024 06:12 AM
Lately even the bottom feeders seem absent.
Going on 6 weeks now without a look, watcher, or bid at work.
I was talking to a woman down the road here that does mostly woman's type items, jewelry, figurines, flower stuff etc, she was doing 100 items a week, she said she quit listing for now because she hadn't had a buyer in a month either.
What I'm not understanding here is that when I go to advanced search, I see items that we sell at work that sold for more money in lesser condition just recently but ours are not getting any hits all of a sudden.
I'm hearing it from people all over who sell in this area.
It always slows down in the summer and again when school starts but not like this.
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08-09-2024 06:53 AM
What do you sell?
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08-10-2024 12:19 AM
I work for a company that does commercial cleanouts and real estate cleanouts. They buy and resell foreclosure items, abandoned freight, large private collections, just about anything large enough to justify their involvement.
About 1/4 of it gets put on eBay, much of it gets auctioned in more appropriate arenas, and some gets sold locally by word of mouth.
Lately everything in every category is dead.
Right now we have a warehouse full of bicycle parts, vintage auto parts, aircraft parts, electronics parts, (resistors, transistors, capacitors, etc., think Radio Shack's old parts wall, vintage audio items, sporting goods, fishing tackle new and used outboard parts and on occasion, household items like towels, linens, and things found in places like Bed Bath and Beyond and such. Much of the latter gets sold locally to small businesses but not all of it.
Many items are collectible, we avoid items that attract kids since we had way too many "My son bid without my permission" situations or outright thefts of those type of items.
All of the items currently listed were red hot till about April, then it slowed down to a crawl but picked up a bit in June but then just died completely.
My two neighbors here do a ton of selling on ebay, one does DVD's the other jewelry and figurines, (dust collectors), plus some drop ship items. They are all complaining of zero sales for over a month.
Most of her items are super cheap, all under $20.
At work, we don't bother with anything under $25, and try not to list anything less than $40, even if it means selling some items in lots of 5 or 10.
They used to sell individual items but it got to be more trouble then it was worth to hunt down an item, box and label it for shipping for a $3 or $5 item. Its a loss everytime now that min. wage is over $15.50. I get paid both per ad and by commission and work from home since I retired, but they cut back big time in 2021 when things fell off then. They invested in a shredder at that point to prevent dumpster diving.
They get paid up front for the cleanout or removal, so selling the items is a bonus rather than sending them to a landfill. Especially if they're new, high end items or rare vintage parts.
Many items were generally just moved from one failing business and sold to another business but lately those businesses have also closed down or moved away to find cheaper labor.
It really hurts to watch often brand new vintage car or bike parts get ground up into bits and sold for scrap, or perfectly good furnishings and such being ground up into fluff and hauled to a landfill.
We do get to grab things for ourselves but if I took everything that they were crushing I'd need my own warehouse. It used to be that about 85% of everything sold, since about 2009, it dropped to about 35%, and lately maybe 5% or less.
Our rules are items are worth roughly 1/2 of sug. list price or avg. past selling price over a one year search. If it don't sell for that its off tot he shredder so as not to kill the value for future similar items.
Its not my rule but its what they do, as do most others doing the same thing. Its generally better in the long run to not sell it then to sell it at a loss or too cheap because that low ball sale will hurt the price of the next 50 you may be selling.
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08-10-2024 01:37 AM
Ooo do you ever come across 'old lady jewelry' -if so, hit me up.
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08-10-2024 08:53 AM
We don't see items like jewelry unless its new and packaged but it never goes to eBay, if its precious metals, they have a guy who appraises it and pays market rate. Coins, stamps, baseball cards, and collectibles where as condition may be subjective tend to go to specific auctions rather than on here. They apparently did do sports cards for a while but got tired of dealing with folks who disagreed with the condition grade and kids bidding on cards without the ability to pay or a parent who right away wanted the transaction canceled. Books are also hit or miss, unless its a technical book we're told to just fill a bin and they go to auction. Too many issues with smell, condition, or color on old books. Our $25 min. rule also excludes most books.
What I'm seeing lately though is a total lack of traffic, on all 6 accounts.
Someone must be seeing our ads because around 4am this morning a dozen or so low ball offers came in on several items, offers like $10 on items listed at $400. Items that were not listed with 'best offer options. Every message, despite being all from different members, were worded exactly the same ("I beg your pardon kind sir, but would you entertain the idea of an offer of $10 on your much fine item? Pretty Please with Sugar on it and all that".) All from different accounts with only the amount and the listing they were asking about being different. They also all popped up at the same time, give or take a few seconds. They got deleted just as fast.
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08-12-2024 01:06 AM
Perhaps ask a friend to try some searches that should bring up your items? eBay's search feature has gotten progressively worse over the years, so this may be (at least partly) the culprit.
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08-14-2024 11:12 PM
That's the whole problem, items that should come up don't.
Even typing in the full title of an item often still does not get that item, or it shows up 200 items down the page or several pages down the search.
A good example is if I search 'baseball' I get baseball cards, baseball books, baseball tickets, but no baseballs.
I have to search for the very brand name of a baseball, for instance searching Rawlings Baseball, finally gets me a page full of various baseballs. To find others I have to search maybe for Spaulding baseball, or another brand name. Most buyer's won't do that. If they're shopping for a baseball or box of baseballs they're going to type in baseball. When none show up, they leave and to look elsewhere.
I suspect its the same thing with the items we list at work.
As a buyer, the category and item is listed in means nothing, I search for the item I'm looking for, I suspect most do the very same thing. So whether a part for a vintage bicycle is listed under transportation vintage cycling or under sporting goods and vintage bicycle parts should make no difference. They just want to see items that match their search terms, not a bunch of unrelated junk.
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08-14-2024 11:30 PM
I'm a little surprised at the vintage bicycle stuff not selling - it's very in demand where I live (Pac NW), and I've sold quite a bit that I've had to people often in the south (the southern states have been some of my best customers). eBay is basically where all of us who ride a lot but prefer old school kit purchase, and there are plenty of us. The other places are swap meets, but people who used to sell at swaps now list here (including myself). I have a few really obscure parts running now but SO obscure that I'm not sure very many know what they are lol.
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08-15-2024 09:36 AM
It sounds like you are attributing too much search result power in listing titles, when filters/refinements are much more useful to find exactly what you're seeking. Like to find actual baseballs for sale, all you would need to do is enter that in search, and then upon seeing all those irrelevant results, go over to the left side of the screen and refine the results to Sporting goods > Team Sports > Baseball & Softball > Balls. I'm not even into sports but it took me just a couple minutes to find these results.
And if you think buyers don't know this, trust me, they do. Ebay's search page is set up nearly identically to those of Amazon, Walmart, and other stores where people have figured out how to find exactly what they're looking for.

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