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Bottom Feeders

Anyone else noticing an EXTREME number of bottom feeders (those who send RIDICULOUSLY low offers) recently?  

Example: I currently have some Brand New in the Box items for sale for $249.00.  The lowest current price for these items anywhere on the Internet, whether it be Retail or Wholesale is $719.89!  Yet, I get offers for less than $100.00!


Yes, I know I can set minimum prices with BIN but I’m always curious what responses I get and it allows me immediately block the buffoons!


I’m just trying to determine what to attribute this ‘bottom feeding” phenomenon to. I don’t think it’s the economy.  The reason I say that is because when I’m out and about whenever I hear someone complain about the economy I watch them get into their $65,000 F250’s (or Dodge Monstertrucks, etc)  and guzzle gas all the way to their $500,000+ suburban lairs where they undoubtedly have 2-3 other vehicles (read BMWs, Audis, Teslas, etc) parked in the driveway!


WTH? My wife and I earn a grand total $40-$45,000 a year (dependent on eBay proceeds), yet we own 2 vehicles outright (both Hybrids which average 40-45mpg) and we have a mortgage which we been paying on for 27 years. In 8 years we will have paid it off entirely.  We are able to vacation 2 (and sometimes 3x) a year, we dine out 1-3 times a week and we have both been able to put together decent retirement accounts.  We live modestly otherwise with very few “extravagant” purchases and the last thing either of us would do is offer less than $100 for an item that has already been discounted by 65%! 

So other than the fact that most Americans are Self-Centered, Greedy and feel Entitled I’m just wondering if there are any other obvious clues regarding this descent into oblivion?


Your thoughts would be appreciated!





Message 1 of 117
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116 REPLIES 116

Re: Bottom Feeders

we have slowly been doing away with 'Best offer' listings because none ever turn into sales.
Most offers are less than half the BIN price or less.
What's even more common are psycho ranting messages complaining that we and so many others are asking way to much for what ever item they don't want to pay for.


Its really added to the blocked bidder list.


I've also had a few that made an offer just below what I could sell it for but refused a few dollars more or a half way in between counteroffer. One bidder sent us offers on nearly every BO items we had up on one account for $10 on $100 items. Then got mad and send long letters flaming us for not accepting his offers. Blocked him too.



Message 61 of 117
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Re: Bottom Feeders

@sextons-sweet-deals wrote:

Not familiar with the term 'bottom feeders'. Must be a new social media term. 


I simply call it low-ball offers. When I get those, they just go to my block list. 

"Bottom feeder" is an old term I remember hearing even when I was a kid. They are always with us. 😖

“The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer.” - Henry Kissinger

"Do not obey in advance." Timothy Snyder "On Tyranny"
Message 62 of 117
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Re: Bottom Feeders

@gurlcat wrote:

Again I don't think there's no truth to what you're saying, but I would just put forward the possibility that you're extrapolating metadata from micro.  We can't know what "too many sellers think" based on these forum posts.  The Community is automatically a skewed source of info.  -People come here when they have a problem, usually something involving a single transaction or maybe a platform issue, but when it's about their overall sales, of course it's always of the 'problematic' sort.  Why would anyone come and write a post about how their sales have stayed steady for 10 years, or that it has grown by leaps and bounds?  For the record mine has, but it feels icky just writing that because if feels like bragging. 

I don't even know where I'm going with this.  I asked if you never buy items you can't make offers on, you answered, and I have no intention of trying to change your mind about it because it's none of my business and it sounds like you have sound reasoning behind your buying strategy.  

True, I don't think most sellers come to these boards. Most probably know nothing of them. But the theme is the same anytime eBay reselling is the subject - youtube - ecommerce bytes - ect. 


Even beyond that, when one might reach out to a seller. It's way more often I would get a "screw you buddy" type comment, then a polite, graceful response, when you CAN get a response. Even my wife, does NOT like eBay. She buys very little here, and when she does, ends up regretting it half the time (not an exaggeration). Her last purchase resulted in a return because the product's measurements were not as described. The seller was a PITA the whole way, being very combative and argumentative. A recent purchase of my own, same thing. Seller does not describe it correctly and they become combative about it. Neither of those two sellers are even on these boards, at least not under their selling ID's. 


No, that surely does not describe every seller, but I think the negatives are more common then you might think. There are some good eBay sellers here, but the list is getting shorter. The environment here is turning pretty sour as time goes on. If you buy enough here, you kinda get the bigger picture. Just in the last month, I have made 23 purchases, from about 20 different sellers. This is a normal/average buying metric for me. I don't think I am jaded about my experiences, but I am disappointed how too many sellers act. I take it in stride when I run into a bad seller. But I am not bashful about leaving negative feedback either if they are a jerk about it. If it was a "meh" transaction, I likely leave no feedback at all, rather than a neutral. Positives are always left for good sellers who do a good job. 

Message 63 of 117
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Re: Bottom Feeders

Yes, I've been getting them.  I decline offer and then block them from trying that anymore.

Message 64 of 117
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Re: Bottom Feeders

I don't know what to say, but I think you can guess what most people would suggest to anyone with a  consistently majority-bad outcomes on a platform, right?  Or is there some solution that you wish eBay would implement, like something specific and enforceable?  All I know is that when it comes to any kind of decline in large segments of people, neither complaining nor wishing they'd go back to however they were before does any good.  

Message 65 of 117
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Re: Bottom Feeders

@redlinear wrote:

@fbusoni wrote:

@redlinear wrote:

I attribute it to the increased popularity of FBMP.  

Yes, on that platform its an epidemic.   It usually starts with the redundant question:


"Is this available"?  


When I see that, I delete the message because I know that the next question will be:


"What is your best price?" 


By contrast, I had a wonderful person contact me yesterday with this message:


"Hello, I want to buy your wine glasses.  Do you take Venmo and can you ship them to NY?"


Now, 16 hours later, I'm off the the post office. 


I have found over the years that if you are patient, someone who is not living paycheck-to-paycheck will come along in time and relieve you of your merchandise at the price you are asking.  


NO!  Don't delete. 
We all know the "is it available?" is a pre-filled in thing.   
It's there as a conversation starter for somebody that doesn't know how to begin.
It's SO easy to accidentally send that.
     Most of my sales start that way.  
It's too easy to type "yes" and move on. So that's what I do.  Conversation has begun, time to make the deal...or conversation is over. Easy enough.
  I also have to make myself say "Sorry, no" instead of "NO!"  on offers, insults, meet me half-way, etc. (lol)
Constantly reminding myself to "be nice"


Thank you... I appreciate your reply above.  But the if the item were not available, it would not be listed.  


I have even started my descriptions out with, "THIS IS AVAILABLE."  And no, its not written in invisible ink.  


Still I get the question.  Believe me, I have answered in the past, as you suggest.   "Yes."   And then one of two things happen.


Either I get no response (because heaven forbid the buyer might actually have to engage in conversation with another living and breathing human) OR I get, "What is your best price?"


Today a buyer messaged me: "Will you ship this to me for $10?"   Yes, of course I will.


Ten minutes later, I had money in my PayPal account.  I was so happy to have collaborated with a sentient homo sapien that wrapped up his item and took it to the post office before it closed at 5 pm.  😆



eBay seller since 1999. This is a posting ID.
Message 66 of 117
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Re: Bottom Feeders

@gurlcat wrote:

@fbusoni wrote:

@redlinear wrote:

I attribute it to the increased popularity of FBMP.  

Yes, on that platform its an epidemic.   It usually starts with the redundant question:


"Is this available"?  


I have asked that numerous times with zero intention of haggling, and I'm sure it's the same with lots of other buyers.  Why?  -Because (unless this has changed), FBMP is more like Craigslist than eBay in the sense that there is no automated take-down of listings that have sold; sellers have to manually take them down, and lots of them DON'T BOTHER, just like people who leave their rummage sale signs up at street corners.  I got tired of getting excited about an item for sale and writing to the seller about it, only to have them reply that it was already sold (and often STILL not taking the listing down).  So when I saw that the platform was offering a 1-click "is this still available" button, I started using it.  

I don't know why I'm replying to you though.  There is obviously some reason you dodged my requests for clarification on your statements about a TRS filter, but I can't imagine why, and it feels kind of awkward now.  

@gurlcat Madam, I was not aware that you requested clarification from me and believe me, I am happy to engage with other like-minded sellers here and share what I know.  I remember answering your question about seeing only TRPlus sellers and was expecting a follow up from you but I was not notified that I had received one.   I even have notifications set for eBay to email me, and I am fastidious about responding.  I will send you a PM now.  Kind regards

eBay seller since 1999. This is a posting ID.
Message 67 of 117
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Re: Bottom Feeders

@gurlcat wrote:

I don't know what to say, but I think you can guess what most people would suggest to anyone with a  consistently majority-bad outcomes on a platform, right?  Or is there some solution that you wish eBay would implement, like something specific and enforceable?  All I know is that when it comes to any kind of decline in large segments of people, neither complaining nor wishing they'd go back to however they were before does any good.  

Oh, there is plenty eBay COULD do to clean up the buyer/seller experience. Getting rid of bad buyers and bad sellers is a good start. It would not be hard to implement a system to remove them. 


You could clean up much of the non selling listed items by forcing a listing fee every month, past the first 3-6 months something is listed and does not sell. 


I'm not wishing to go back in time, I am wishing eBay would catch up with the times. You are going to see things coming over at the river that will push out many small sellers who are not serious about selling. Even the river knows what a drag on the system those kind are. They are a drag here on eBay. Putting up with poor buyers is a drag on eBay. Sellers doing shoddy work is a drag on sales. It's about housekeeping, not just picking on this seller or that buyer. 

Message 68 of 117
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Re: Bottom Feeders

Only bad buyers and bad sellers are everywhere, on every platform which doesn't require some kind of qualifying examination to be able to sell there.


One distinguishing factor here on eBay is that the platform is elderly in ecommerce years, and filled with sellers who have never advanced beyond about 2004.

“The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer.” - Henry Kissinger

"Do not obey in advance." Timothy Snyder "On Tyranny"
Message 69 of 117
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Re: Bottom Feeders

The thing I'm admittedly still ignorant about is whether it is actually possible to "get rid of" anyone on a platform.  I know they can make it this-or-that degree harder to buy or sell here, but to my knowledge they haven't implemented retinal scanning or anything nearly that secure, lol.   

Message 70 of 117
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Re: Bottom Feeders

@chapeau-noir wrote:

Only bad buyers and bad sellers are everywhere, on every platform which doesn't require some kind of qualifying examination to be able to sell there.


One distinguishing factor here on eBay is that the platform is elderly in ecommerce years, and filled with sellers who have never advanced beyond about 2004.

You must live in fairytale land. Because you are required to submit your SS# to sell on about every platform. Not hard to figure out who you are unless you are committing identity fraud. 


Not all that hard to figure out who you are as a buyer either. 


Amazon can easily ban a seller for life. eBay can too. Amazon takes things more serious. When they ban a seller, they can't buy either. eBay doesn't take it that serious. And if they ban an account on eBay, they will allow someone to create another account to buy. 


All it takes is for a platform to decide they don't want to deal with bad actors. You can shrug it off if you want, but eBay lacks a lot of structure. Everyone thinks rules are bad, but uniformity in the buyer experience is what made the river huge. It's what makes Walmart a real competitor to them too. Hillbilly moron sellers here shipping in a cereal box is what makes this platform a clown show. If you did that on Walmart or Amazon, your account would be immediately suspended. Unpopular as it may be to some of you, this platform needs more rigid rules. Make all sales 30 day returns, across the board on everything. Make everything ship no later than next day. Make all items ship in a new/clean box/poly mailer. 


If sellers don't like that, then have a yard sale. Drop your stuff off at a local auction house. Start your own websiite. Sellers on this platform are held to the same standard no matter if you are cleaning your closest of a few items, or you are a massive corporation selling here as another outlet for sales. Make the experince uniform so buyers who choose this platform, know what to expect with every sale.  I know what to expect with the other two platforms and I can tell you I spend way more money with them then I do here. A good part of that is because there are too many sloppy hillbilly sellers here. If seller don't want to step up to the plate and make the buyer experince better, then show them the door. They want the benefit of global sales, lots of traffic, and someone to handle all the stuff above their heads to get the best money possible for their items. Well, then they need to bring something to the table as well. 

Message 71 of 117
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Re: Bottom Feeders

You must live in fairytale land.


Oh lawdy, just stop! 😂


At this time, most marketplaces do not vet their sellers. Period. Submission of a SSN doesn't predict the professionalism of a seller. I've sold on quite a few down through the years. Some of the bad actors may get kicked off, some sites are better at it than others, but it's pretty much a crap shoot no matter what. I might not like it, but that's just reality. Sorry.

“The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer.” - Henry Kissinger

"Do not obey in advance." Timothy Snyder "On Tyranny"
Message 72 of 117
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Re: Bottom Feeders

Bottom feeders have been around for ions.  I started selling in late 1967  for 41 years  in the same industry then hung up my spurs - bottom feeders never disappear - your  price is  right - SELL it (even the intangibles).  Sold capital good (forklifts and other material handling products,  top level services, quick turnaround service, top shelf communications,  rentals, FABs of my product (features, advantages and  benefits) - people buy benefits - not features.  My customer were Kings and/or Queens their $$  paid all our  bills, funded saving/college etc plus play funds.  Treat buyers with respect always - even the grumpy  buyers.  Life and selling will never be Utopian - no such thing or place. Just roll with the flow and PMA..  Listen to this song - this is what I used to wake up in the morning to instead of a obnoxious Big Ben wind up alarm clock - wore out 2 cassettes - worked for me.


"I have the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability." Ron White, Fritch, Texas
"Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution." A. Einstein
"The Devil made me do it!" - Flip Wilson
"If the band can only play loud - they ain't no good - peps too!" J.R. Johnson
Message 73 of 117
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Re: Bottom Feeders

Example: I currently have some Brand New in the Box items for sale for $249.00.  The lowest current price for these items anywhere on the Internet, whether it be Retail or Wholesale is $719.89!  Yet, I get offers for less than $100.00!

Shouldn't you list the item for at least $600?  If the lowest price "anywhere on the internet" is over $700, then $600 should be a huge deal and an instant sale, no?  I'm not doubting that $100 is a ridiculously low offer, but you're apparently already massively undervaluing the items and they're not selling.  The math isn't mathing.

Message 74 of 117
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Re: Bottom Feeders

Almost every one of my Amazon buying experiences were bad.  The worst one was some Chinese seller who took a month to send what I ordered, except he didn't send that -sent something else, and I had to fight tooth and nail to get a refund (he just kept offering partial refunds, for this carp I didn't order) then it was hard to get Amazon to make him refund me.  That was when I realized the star score I saw on the listing was for the item (the same star score it got on all listings regardless of seller) .... and this SELLER'S feedback was buried, and it was 36% positive, with comments full of buyer experiences just like mine.  I thought "this would never be tolerated on eBay."  

Mind you, that was about 5 years ago, so I don't know maybe it's better there now.  I don't care because that company is evil in a thousands different ways and they'll not get one penny from me.  I'll take the hillbillies, please and thank you!  

Message 75 of 117
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