10-26-2019 05:47 PM
wow. I just made a $12 offer on a $13 item because the make offer was on even though it was already seemingly priced fairly right to me, but hey, the make offer was on so okay, I thought I was making a respectable offer. It was immediately declined with no counter and no message. I moved on. I suspect the seller was offended by my offer because he/she doesn’t know the make offer is even on, maybe? Anyway, I was like YIKES, okay! LOL! Ebay really should rethink that auto-offer thing. As a seller, it scares me. As a buyer, I’m getting gun shy about making offers!
10-26-2019 05:55 PM
10-26-2019 05:56 PM
You yourself gave the best answer...sellers probably don't even know it's there..and as a buyer ONLY, since I am well aware of that, if I want an item, I just buy it..
10-26-2019 05:59 PM
10-26-2019 06:02 PM
Aaaack! don't get gun shy about offers. I'm a seller that loves offers (and sending out offers to watchers).
I would have clicked accept on your $12 offer so fast - LOL!
I really wish ebay would not harass sellers who don't use offers and let them decide what they do and don't want to use in their store so that buyer's don't hesitate when using offers feature.
Something like a great big green smiley face on the listings that seller's will happily accept offers on - I don't know ... I'm just kidding - but I feel buyer's pain and it transfers across to lower sales for everyone when a buyer becomes hesitant
10-26-2019 06:05 PM - edited 10-26-2019 06:06 PM
Nope! From what I have read on these posts, eBay is putting this stupid button on some seller's listings whether they want it or not.
If this seller was smart, they would take off that auto-decline (it's an offensive way of doing business) and just ignore the offers. Make it (politely) clear in their description that they do not accept offers and the eBay has arbitrarily decided to put that button on their listing.
...that's the way I would handle it as a seller anyway...
10-26-2019 06:14 PM
10-26-2019 06:17 PM
10-26-2019 06:18 PM
Yeah, it's dumb.
If a seller wants to do a best offer listing...fine...but geez...don't force it on everyone...
I sound stupid typing this...because it seems so COMMON SENSE to me!!!
10-26-2019 06:55 PM
An offer of $12 on a $13 item, sounds fair to me. It it were me,
I would accept that offer. When a seller uses the quick listing form, eBay has been known to add best offer to their listing(s).
10-26-2019 07:15 PM
It used to force B.O. on my listings at 50 percent of my intended "firm, buy it now price". I had autodecline set high as well when it continued to reappear. My reasons had more to do with immediate payment than an offer of $1 or $2 dollars less. The seller may not even have been notified. If you want it, don't take offense to the decline IMO.
On the other side of the eBay going, I have received unsolicited offers on almost every BIN listing this week. I feel that that is worse as far as "offensive" to a seller. And yet, I am accepting or countering them lately lol. Against my better judgement.
10-26-2019 07:28 PM - edited 10-26-2019 07:31 PM
@krys888 wrote:wow. I just made a $12 offer on a $13 item because the make offer was on even though it was already seemingly priced fairly right to me, but hey, the make offer was on so okay, I thought I was making a respectable offer. It was immediately declined with no counter and no message. I moved on. I suspect the seller was offended by my offer because he/she doesn’t know the make offer is even on, maybe? Anyway, I was like YIKES, okay! LOL! Ebay really should rethink that auto-offer thing. As a seller, it scares me. As a buyer, I’m getting gun shy about making offers!
I suspect that the seller knows it is there, does not want it, has gotten tired of continually removing it just to have eBay put it back again, and has gone to the auto decline.
As another poster suggested they should just ignore the offers, but that annoys some potential buyers when they have to wait 48 hours for their offer to expire if they did not have the option for a shorted duration.
10-26-2019 07:44 PM
@krys888 What might be happening is last year eBay started to turn on Best Offer without a Seller's consent if the listing was created with the Quick Listing tool AND eBay decided the price was ABOVE the market average. So you are right, in many cases Seller are not aware eBay has done this and all it does is create confusion for Buyers.
eBay was asked "where" they get their "market" average prices (besides eBay) and they refused to share that information ... so until the do to me it means it doesn't exist. This whole thing is simply bad business and the venue sticking their big fat nose in where it doesn't belong. It shows a Seller absolutely NO respect ...
So go easy on Sellers with Best Offer ... sometimes they truly don't know eBay has turned on the unsolicited B.O.
I never hesitate to give eBay credit where credit is due but on this subject they get no credit and even less respect ...
10-26-2019 07:48 PM
@krys888 wrote:I suspect the seller was offended by my offer because he/she doesn’t know the make offer is even on, maybe? Anyway, I was like YIKES, okay! ...
I'm just wondering why you think the seller was offended? Did they reply with anything?
Also, once the seller gets an offer, I reckon he/she realizes its on 😉
10-26-2019 08:18 PM
Because it was immediate and there was no counter and no message. Seemed odd for $1.