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Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

I ran into an issue, which I believe Ebay is well aware of.

I had a buyer open a case with their financial institution.

A relatively expensive professionally graded item.

The buyer did not follow any of Ebay policy.

Did not open an Ebay Return.

Filed with FI on the 48th day of receiving the item.

The buyer opened a dispute with financial institution and of course sided with its client.

Ebay had my funds frozen. Then released funds to (FI).

And did NOT protect me as a seller. 

And did not get my item back.


So if this has happened to you.

I would like to hear about it.

If there is a class action suit going.

I would like to be included.


Ebay knows this is happening. And is allowing this.

I have taken down any super big ticket items due to lack of safety.

I will be reposting this under several different subjects to make sure I reach the proper audiences.

Message 1 of 159
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158 REPLIES 158

Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

@fischstik wrote:

I need to go thru eBay with subpoenas to get to the FI. And the correct FI. 

Right now you @fischstik and the menthol

need a fundamental understanding

that eBay does not know who

is the credit card issuer.


The buyer paid PayPal with a credit card.

So just PayPal itself knows* who that is.

Or a card was processed by Adyen.

So only Adyen knows the issuer.


eBay did not take the credit card.

Either PayPal or Adyen billed it.

So eBay can't subpoena you

the credit card issuer info.


*When we were taking payments at PayPal

PayPal didn't divulge the card issuer info

so we could reply directly to the issuer

when the buyer filed a chargeback.


Likewise eBay taking payments at PayPal

also doesn't know who is the issuer

if the buyer files a chargeback.

Message 91 of 159
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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

This is the result of sellers buying into the "Seller Protection" tagline that's marketed to them to keep them selling. Their has really never been such a thing. False perceptions = false expectations = frustration. 

Message 92 of 159
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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

As far as removing people filing bogus disputes, I am fairly sure that they keep record of that and if they get reports from sellers and complaints several times about that account they will suspend it indefinitely. They do that at Amazon,  and just about everywhere. It is explicitly stated on Poshmark that if you file even 1 payment dispute without resolving the issue through them and seller you are banned. But, the problem is even deeper than that. These same people can continue with this with the same or another FI until they are caught. Even the FI’s will put restrictions on their account if they file too many chargebacks. Thank goodness.

Message 93 of 159
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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

It’s not a false perception. There are ebay policies and proceedures and help pages that tell sellers what will happen in the event of a chargeback. It is the sellers responsibility to educate themselves on how these credit card chargebacks work and what ebay can and cannot do in the event of one of them. In some cases, ebay will step in and do a courtesy refund for a fraud , or friendly fraud, or misunderstanding like a Not recognized charge when a buyer forgets they even purchased the item, or when a customers account was hacked or card was misused by a relative, or downright stolen by another person.  They help with the chargeback when they can. This depending on the status of your own selling account with them as well. Obviously they are not going to step up to the plate numerous times for a seller who is performing sub par as far as their fighting customers on here and not refunding when appropriate or not following policies themselves. 

Message 94 of 159
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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

"It’s not a false perception. . . .  It is the sellers responsibility to educate themselves on how these credit card chargebacks work and what eBay can and cannot do in the event of one of them."

Precisely.  If a seller has a false perception of eBay's policies and procedures, it is because he/she didn't read them and understand them.  Careful reading is necessary, but often seems to be lacking.  

Message 95 of 159
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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

Paypal was merchant of record  with credit card company's & banks   ,just  as eBay is now the merchant of record   for  charge back disputes  and  snads  .  There is no requirement  for any buyers  to   Ebay Protection policy  .      

Message 96 of 159
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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

@vintagecraze50 wrote:

It’s not a false perception. There are ebay policies and proceedures and help pages that tell sellers what will happen in the event of a chargeback. It is the sellers responsibility to educate themselves on how these credit card chargebacks work and what ebay can and cannot do in the event of one of them. In some cases, ebay will step in and do a courtesy refund for a fraud , or friendly fraud, or misunderstanding like a Not recognized charge when a buyer forgets they even purchased the item, or when a customers account was hacked or card was misused by a relative, or downright stolen by another person.  They help with the chargeback when they can. This depending on the status of your own selling account with them as well. Obviously they are not going to step up to the plate numerous times for a seller who is performing sub par as far as their fighting customers on here and not refunding when appropriate or not following policies themselves. 



That is a new one on me.  Where did you learn about this policy?  Can you provide any more info on this?  I'm not sure one has to do with the other.  If a seller has tried to fight and lost INADs, then they get a defect for that.  Too many and their seller status drops.  But what has that got to do with Chargebacks?

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 97 of 159
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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

What appears to be clear to me is that if you are constantly getting chargebacks there must be something wrong with how you are doing business. And you will get defects yes. Either refusing to award a return when customer requests it, Not describing your items properly so customer have no idea what they are buying. I see this one on Mercari a lot. They do not require their sellers to fill in a lot of item specifics on their listings. I have bought things on there taking a change and questing what exactly I am getting from them when a seller will not respond to questions. Using item specifics on here and now requiring this for all listings is a lifesaver for a chargeback at times. ALSO OFFERING RETURNS.

Message 98 of 159
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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

No written policy though if you are being lazy and do not describe your items properly, but yes a defect if you do not taken care of these customers properly and you are defecting all over the place. LOL!!

Message 99 of 159
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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

@carlmarxx wrote:

Paypal was merchant of record  with credit card company's & banks   ,just  as eBay is now the merchant of record   for  charge back disputes  and  snads  .  There is no requirement  for any buyers  to   Ebay Protection policy  .      

eBay is never the Merchant of Record.


PayPal continues to be the Merchant of Record when eBay takes a credit card payment.

Or when eBay takes a credit card at eBay Checkout, Adyen processes the card as the Merchant of Record.



Message 100 of 159
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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?



What appears to be clear to me is that if you are constantly getting chargebacks there must be something wrong with how you are doing business. And you will get defects yes.

Clearly I missed something.  Who is "constantly getting chargebacks"?  And what does that mean?  Every sale, every other sale, what?  And NO Chargebacks do NOT create defects.


Either refusing to award a return when customer requests it,

A seller has NO ability to do this on a Chargeback.  Or did we switch subjects?


mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 101 of 159
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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

@teth_1615 wrote:

@carlmarxx wrote:

Paypal was merchant of record  with credit card company's & banks   ,just  as eBay is now the merchant of record   for  charge back disputes  and  snads  .  There is no requirement  for any buyers  to   Ebay Protection policy  .      

eBay is never the Merchant of Record.


PayPal continues to be the Merchant of Record when eBay takes a credit card payment.

Or when eBay takes a credit card at eBay Checkout, Adyen processes the card as the Merchant of Record.





The Money Processor is ALWAYS the MOR [merchant of record].  If they weren't then they would not be able to negotiate / process the payments.  So before we had Ebay processing payments for us we had PayPal and PP was also the MOR.


Definition of MOR:

A Merchant of Record is the term to describe a legal entity that handles all payments. In addition, it takes on the liability related to every transaction to an end customer, be it the selling of goods or a service. It arranges all due tax payments, ensures PCI compliance and takes care of any refunds and chargebacks.



mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 102 of 159
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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

Seller refuses to refund customer in the first place creates a ripe environment to run to the card.

Message 103 of 159
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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

Seller does not describe item properly and has poor photo’s and does not use enough item specifics, all grounds for a possible chargeback instead of going through the proper channels to receive a refund through the merchant. They can always choose to run to the card instead of go to the merchant and your chances of getting a chargeback verified through research says exactly that. You must do everything you can to avoid  the chargeback and sometimes NOTHING you do will change that if you are dealing with an unsavory customer.

Message 104 of 159
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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

I previously wrote about a customer who made a fraudulent claim regarding a $10,000 ring that we had just sold them. We see that the same buyer, who has an open return request for the item, is also utilizing our eBay images to list the item for sale on Mercari. I falter.

Message 105 of 159
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