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Are You Ready?

Without sounding like a "Debbie Downer" or "Negative Nancy" (sorry to all Debbies & Nancys), this upcoming summer slow-down could have all the makings for one of the worst in many years due to obvious economic uncertainties. The timing of "cause and effect" could greatly impact discretionary spending, putting many vulnerable sellers at risk. Of course, this is just one guy's opinion. 😉


Regardless, what steps are you taking to minimize the impact to your bottom line this summer? Your incite will be helpful to other less experienced sellers.

Message 1 of 67
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Are You Ready?

I would like a Fact Check on Debbie & Nancy!, But i tend to agree with your assessment.

Message 2 of 67
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Are You Ready?

I sell used auto parts.  The worse the economy, the better I do.  Peoples gotta drive.
All I need is for those cheap overseas aftermarket parts to get more expensive....somehow.

Message 3 of 67
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Are You Ready?

@meme6253 wrote:

I would like a Fact Check on Debbie & Nancy!, But i tend to agree with your assessment.

I would agree with the Fact Check.


The OP. @pls-consignments sounds reasonable and is only looking out for fellow eBayers. I think many share your sentiment. Does not resemble a Negative Nancy nor a Debbie Downer. YMMV


If one sounded like a "Debbie Downer " or a "Negative Nancy", they would sound like your posts @meme6253 😁 YMMV IMHO LMAO and J/K 

- Roasting id
Message 4 of 67
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Are You Ready?

I thought a new Golden Age started on Jan. 20. Is that not the case?

Message 5 of 67
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Are You Ready?

this upcoming summer slow-down could have all the makings for one of the worst in many years due to obvious economic uncertainties


I'm not sure what "obvious economic uncertainties" you are referring to, but there has always been economic uncertainty when you are looking six months into the future - regardless of what time of year it is.



Message 6 of 67
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Are You Ready?

I have a completely opposite view as you do.  We've just left possibly the worst period in human history, last 4 years, and are now entering an unprecedented golden age of prosperity.  What a beautiful concept, btw.


I agree with your use of the phrase, cause and effect, but I have an optimistic take on it.  I look it this way: say you have a company that you work for, the business decisions made are not financially feasible, they don't hire the most qualified candidates, the employees are allowed to come to work whenever or not at all and the leadership is weak, frail, have no care for the future of the company and exist only to line their own pockets.


Suddenly, an entire new leadership is asked to takeover.  But, this leadership is vibrant, multi-skilled, have a history of running extremely successful multi-billion dollar enterprises and make only the best financial decisions, not just for themselves, but the company as a whole. 


They hold the employees accountable, punctuality is important, clean dress and appearance, and only the most qualified, the best and brightest are hired for the job. 


When the company decides on whether to take on additional business, they do it from a logical financial perspective.  They don't spend $150,000 on an alternative *** orientation opera in Ireland, or 368 million a year in Haiti, or a 1 million usd alphabet inclusion progran in Bali, or a 1.5 million usd DEI inclusion program in Serbia...and on and on, to the tune of 30 billion usd for 1 fiscal year.


Instead, they make big, beautiful financial decisions that bring prosperity to the company.  Previously, the company allowed the competition to use the company resources and infrastructure, but the new leadership stopped this practice because it was, point blank, dumb.  Now, the competition must pay a premium to do business in the same sphere of influence.


My point: don't you think there may be a period of disruption while the new leadership reverses all the idiotic and dangerous decisions made by the previous, inept company leadership?  But, as the old saying goes, it's going to get worse before it gets better.

That's my insight and I'm sticking to it.

Message 7 of 67
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Are You Ready?

@cardxcraft wrote:

We've just left possibly the worst period in human history, last 4 years ...

All of human history? How about, say, 1941 to 1945?


Hyperbole never helps a weak argument.

Message 8 of 67
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Are You Ready?

@cardxcraft wrote:

Suddenly, an entire new leadership is asked to takeover.  But, this leadership is vibrant, multi-skilled, have a history of running extremely successful multi-billion dollar enterprises and make only the best financial decisions, not just for themselves, but the company as a whole. 




Odd, I don't recall the previous leadership declaring bankruptcy six different times including on businesses that are pretty much "money printers" like casinos.

I also don't recall the previous leadership having to pay a  $25 million settlement for running a scam business, $130,000 to a woman for her to be quiet about an affair, or over $400 million to settle sexual assault allegations, partially due for violating an order prohibiting defamation.

I also don't recall the previous leadership being impeached twice.

Or having his cronies break into secure government facilities to install their own hard drives and harvest information on every US citizen in the entire country.

Or launching their own cryptocurrency to get rich and pull the rug out from everyone else.

Or burying their ex-wife on their own golf course to prevent it from becoming an asset that could be seized.

Or accusing immigrants of "eating cats and dogs".

If you think we are in for "golden economic times", you are in for a very, very, very rude awakening.

Message 9 of 67
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Are You Ready?

I tend to think rapid or any sort of lots of changes makes people pull back on spending. We've certainly seen a lot going on these last couple weeks. 

Then there's the idea that there is a normal summer slowdown, although that has only held true for me a couple summers. 

So, this summer I'm taking the time to do away from eBay things whether or not eBay slows down for me.

I'm planning to do some summer flea markets and antique shows and clean out some of the things cluttering my homes for example.

I'm also not purchasing what I'd call marginal things to sell.

I'm also going to work towards emptying 1 barn so we can rent it.

I am also in the midst of clearing out some things to go to the thrift store.

Finally I am going through old listings and cleaning them up and adjusting the prices finding those I can't imagine what I was thinking when I priced. 

Good luck to everyone!

Message 10 of 67
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Are You Ready?


Very good post and you followed on point what the OP wanted. I commend you Linus!


Message 11 of 67
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Are You Ready?

Your second paragraph sounds exactly like the new administration.

Message 12 of 67
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Are You Ready?

Was only meant as a joke

Message 13 of 67
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Are You Ready?

@lux.ra_14 wrote:

@cardxcraft wrote:

We've just left possibly the worst period in human history, last 4 years ...

All of human history? How about, say, 1941 to 1945?


Hyperbole never helps a weak argument.

Not to mention being a woman or a person of color before the 1970's, or a LGBTQ person before the last 10 or so years.


You never see minorities or women "hearkening back to the days of old". There's a reason for that....






Message 14 of 67
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Are You Ready?

Sounds like a sound plan.

Message 15 of 67
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