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All Medical Devices being taken down by EBAY

I just got off the phone with someone from Ebay that ends postings that are not allowed. I am a Medical Equipment Dealer and I had a device that is used in Gynecology procedures. By the email notice that I

received, it did not fit anything that was not allowed by Ebay. it is not prescriptive or something that 

someone is going to use at home. I do qualify anyone that buys these type of devices, as it against

Ebay rules and more than that is moral to do so. Anyway, I was told that I was on the first wave of all 

medical devices being taken down from Ebay. I asked if every endoscopic device would be removed?

I was told yes, you were on the first bunch to be taken down. After going in circles with the support rep, I asked to talk to someone that I could understand and could understand me. I asked the rep if she even knew what 

a colonoscopy is and she replied that she was not up on medical terminology. I asked and pleaded with her to give me the number or name to someone else that could understand. When asked when the new policy was started and why there was no notice, she said some years ago. If that is so, then this is selective enforcement.  This has me upset. I have depended on Ebay in my business for years.  I am going to have to figure out how to live without them.

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All Medical Devices being taken down by EBAY

If you did not know,

eBay can end any of your listings for any reason; You agree to such selling on eBay.

Message 2 of 20
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All Medical Devices being taken down by EBAY


I have had the same issue, I was also restricted yesterday.  I must've been in the 2nd wave.  I'm learning that a lot of my "New" items require a prescription.  I super bummed, I have to take down probably 500 listings because of this.  I'm confused because I see pages and pages of the same types of listings.  Someone told me that if you can't buy it in a drug-store then its not allowed to be sold on ebay.  which is frustrating, because I thought certain things were okay with the disclaimers that ebay requires you to add to the listings.  I have a zillion vaginal speculums,  I honestly thought they would be okay to sell on here, I guess I'll have to figure somewhere to sell all my stuff. 


Good luck to you! As for me I guess I have 7 days to research what I did wrong.  LOL

Message 3 of 20
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All Medical Devices being taken down by EBAY

Not applicable

@pursuit.medical.imaging Here is the policy on medical devices. I have no idea if what you are describing fits or not, just providing this for your reference.

Message 4 of 20
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All Medical Devices being taken down by EBAY

So I am still confused on what can be sold.   In the device policy it says that "some" devices can be sold, with the government approval.  How do we know which those are?   Do all or most medical devices require a prescription?  I am researching and trying to ask other eBayers but all I get is the link to "Medical Device Policy"  which I have read a thousand times.  

Message 5 of 20
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All Medical Devices being taken down by EBAY

I have been continuing to research this..  My question is, if there is a category for "Speculas, and Sounds" in Obstetrics and Gynecology then wouldn't that mean they are okay to sell?  Not sure if that falls into whatever you are referring to.  Same with Endoscopic Instruments.  There is a category for that too.  So I'm so confused on what is okay and what is not.  I've asked the community and nobody will respond.  I've already considered upgrading my subscription to a medical website.  I'm just bummed because I have done pretty well with eBay, I don't want to get restricted for good.  I just wish someone could be more specific with this policy.

Message 6 of 20
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All Medical Devices being taken down by EBAY

Having the same issue with ECG machines... 100s upon 100s of listings out there, and have been for days, weeks, longer... 80 available, over 100 sold... all that type of stuff. Multiple vendors and different levels of equipment, from dirt cheap options to Cadillac loaded.


My listing lasted for 1 hour, and was shut down... Said this needs a prescription... An ECG machine needs a prescription? Selective enforcement for sure... Meanwhile, ultrasounds, bedside monitors, even anesthesia machines still aplenty... Those must be ok... 


Same foreign customer service response... "oh this policy is cause of the FDA" - really? when did it take effect (no answer, or it's internal information that can't be shared)


It's because of US law - really? cause here's 100 listings I can provide you right now by listing number or seller name who's in the US selling to the US... you even have a ^&*%@#& category for this! So how is it not allowed to be sold, yet you have a category and advertisements promoting it?!?!? Also, if it's restricted, shouldn't it be on the only list to go on?


I seriously someone would either make a competing ebay system or a ginormous law suit to massively shake this company into submission and transparency...  

Message 7 of 20
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All Medical Devices being taken down by EBAY

I personally would not be comfortable if I'd gone for a medical procedure and found out the equipment was bought on eBay.  


Message 8 of 20
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All Medical Devices being taken down by EBAY

But how would you acquire that knowledge?  

Message 9 of 20
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All Medical Devices being taken down by EBAY

Perhaps I'm misinterpreting your message, but you state you sell a device that's used in gynecological procedures.  And later on, you asked a CS rep if she "even knew what a colonoscopy is".  Please tell me you are not referring to the same device.  

Message 10 of 20
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All Medical Devices being taken down by EBAY

@toysaver wrote:

I personally would not be comfortable if I'd gone for a medical procedure and found out the equipment was bought on eBay.  


Thinking the doctor might be a quack?iu.jpeg

If you have never owned a dachshund, no explanation is possible.
If you have owned a dachshund, no explanation is necessary.
(with apologies to St. Thomas Aquinas)
Message 11 of 20
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All Medical Devices being taken down by EBAY

eBay loves people who believe this. eBay has to follow the laws and cannot just do as they please. Accountants and lawyers determine the risks and liability of violating your rights vs what the overall masses rights might cost. It is all a number game. eBay does not have carte blanche!

Message 12 of 20
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All Medical Devices being taken down by EBAY

Wow gutsy selling medical devices, have you contacted an attorney on what your liabilities are?

Message 13 of 20
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All Medical Devices being taken down by EBAY


Fair enough, you likely wouldn't .... unless you were lucky enough to be sitting in the waiting room and the PO comes in with a couple huge boxes clearly marked with eBay stickers.  OR .... if you read about a malpractice suit at your provider from the same procedure you had.  I think eBay is concerned with the liability in making the choice to limit these sales.  Is it worth making $100 if they could be sued for 20 million?


Message 14 of 20
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All Medical Devices being taken down by EBAY

omg you mean they are not interchangeable.......sorry had a laugh this morning thanks!

Message 15 of 20
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