07-18-2020 10:52 PM
That's right folks! Under managed payments there will be NO MORE adult items sold on Ebay! (Except Penthouse and Playboy) So stop drawing nudes, stop buying erotic comics and divest of your adult videos because you need a different website to sell them on! check the managed payments regs. before you yell at me! I already asked and they confirmed it.
01-22-2021 09:42 AM
larry the cable guy says, thats funny right there, i dont care who you are.
05-13-2021 11:39 AM
Where are the sellers of Adult items going? What is the best alternate site out there?
05-13-2021 02:26 PM
05-13-2021 02:28 PM
05-13-2021 02:58 PM
It looks like Etsy has adult listings
05-13-2021 03:02 PM
Etsy doesn't allow adult...I just checked a few months ago. A few brave souls put it up but technically it not allowed.
05-13-2021 08:37 PM
Interesting, there are 100s of adult magazine listings.
05-13-2021 09:48 PM
This technically may not only effect only Adult Items. Once again, E-Bay has severely botched this!
The new rules are written so vague, technically non-pornitems are effected.
An example is the movie Boogie Nights, which won many critical awards and starred Burt Reynolds. In the US, the movie received an R rating. It contains nudity, as defined by the new policy. It also contains simulated sex (sexual situations per new policy). They only grey area is an R-Rated movie considered "intended for adults"?
But even beyond that, in the US the movie was R rated, but in New Zealand and Australia, it was rated R18, which does mean adults only. The new policy specifically states that R18 movies with nudity and sexual situations are not allowed on E-Bay.
So is Boogie Nights allowed? The US cut and the R18 cut are EXACTLY THE SAME. Will I be banned from E-Bay if I am selling import copies? But sale of US copies with the exact same content will be allowed? Or will all copies of a critically acclaimed movie be banned from E-Bay?
You can say the same for Showgirls. There is an unrated Director's cut. Per the new rules, if it has nudity and sexual situations and is not rated, it violates the policy. So will the R-rated version of Showgirls be allowed, but the unrated director's cut be banned? Or all copies banned?
Neither of these items are porn, but meet the definitions of their prohibited adult items.
And why will you be allowed to sell copies of Playgirl magazine (nude men), but you can't sell issues of Provocateur (nude men). Neither have sexual situations, just nudes. Who decided one was allowed and one was not? Why the different treatment?
Or what if you have a late night Cinemax kind of movie where you see nudity (breasts) and simulated sex, but the movie is unrated. While it may be a B-movie with a cheesy plot, it technically isn't any different than Showgirls, or any racy R-rated movie with graphic sex scenes (Angel Heart, 50 Shades of Grey, Basic Instinct 2, In the Realm Of The Senses, etc). They are all nudity and simulated sex, frequently with unrated cuts of the film.
And how could E-Bay do this and only give 30 days notice. E-Bay has known since 2018 that Adyen's terms of service doesn't allow pornographic material. E-Bay has also known that their agreement with Paypal expires July 2021. So they have known for 3 years this problem was coming, and they give sellers 30 days notice!
05-14-2021 06:07 PM
I'm curious about this as well. I recall seeing something online a few years ago, but I had no reason to care.... until now?
I'll probably search around, maybe ask folks on Reddit or something...
05-14-2021 07:27 PM
Etsy allows what they define as "mature content" but prohibits what they define as "pornography" There is no separate "adult" category on etsy. Instead, Mature content items must be "tagged" (etsy's version of "item Specifics"), and browsers who don't want to see it can add "-mature" to avoid seeing it (assuming it is tagged correctly in the first place)
Just one thing to keep in mind: If I'm right, and this decision was fueled largely for pro-active legal reasons (the reduction in "safe harbor" provisions for websites), then it is possible ebay's decision may influence smaller sites to tighten their rules as well, and for the same reason: to avoid potential legal liability. So, by all means look elsewhere to sell stuff prohibited here, but it would be prudent to keep in mind that some of those sites might only get you a small amount of time before you will need to move again.
As usual, ebay's new rules are poorly written....but until I see evidence otherwise, I'm going to continue to list as I have had in the past. (I'm not talking about really adult stuff, I haven't listed that stuff). But the f-bomb uttered once or twice by a character in a book or movie? I'm not going to worry about it. The rules are poorly worded, they should be revised, but we won't really know just what they mean until ebay actually starts enforcing them.
05-14-2021 10:35 PM
PayPal started accepting payments for adult items again about 9 years ago
05-15-2021 02:14 PM
According to the specifics in the email, even Playboy and Penthouse won't be allowed except for, maybe, some very early Playboys
05-15-2021 09:33 PM
Not true. All Playboy's allowed per the new policy. The item CAN contain nudity. The LISTING cannot.
"The following magazines and books can be listed in the Magazines category as long as the listing does not contain nude images or explicit content: Playboy, Playgirl, Mayfair, and Penthouse"
That is from the NEW adult items policy.
05-15-2021 10:30 PM - edited 05-15-2021 10:32 PM
This is some maniacally ridiculous nonsense. The new policy is RIDICULOUSLY broad; by the definitions it's laying out, dozens of non-pornographic, mainstream manga and anime series available at every Barnes and Noble store across the USA would be banned from eBay, but a specific exception is being made for PENTHOUSE MAGAZINE?!
How do you even determine where the line is on this? If I sell a DVD of a film that is rated R in the USA, but rated R18 in Australia, is that banned? How about the fact that "yaoi" content (gay-male-focused content) is explicitly banned, but it's counterpart "yuri" (lesbian-focused content) is not; y'all want to explain what sense that makes? Nevermind the fact that "sexually explicit" is a ridiculously broad term to use here, especially when targeting Japanese anime content across the board! If I list a Japanese anime figure of Bulma from Dragonball Z wearing a bikini, and a western-produced bikini figure of Lara Croft from Tomb Raider, will Lara stay up while the Bulma figure gets taken down? Both are mainstream, non-porn series that have been around for decades, and I could walk into an average GameStop and buy exactly this content with no ID checks; is this actually supposed to make any sense, or is eBay just going "JAPAN BAD" to assuage the hand-wringing Karens of the internet?
And lest eBay somehow mistake the point of my message, I am not calling for them to ban even more things; I'm saying this entire change is pants-on-head-stupid. And if this is being done to assuage some international payment replacement due to the PayPal agreement ending, WHY THE HECK ARE WE JUST FINDING OUT ABOUT IT 30 DAYS BEFORE THE CHANGE?!
I have been very successful selling on eBay over the years, but the shifts in costs and fees and the rising complexity of managing my store on eBay specifically have already led me to begin listing some items on other marketplaces because listing them on eBay was no longer financially viable due to too many man-hours spent sifting through eBay's ever-expanding restrictions and red tape. If I end up having to shift my entire non-pornographic, non-adult inventory of anime content off of eBay because of vaguely worded policies, don't expect the rest of my inventory to stay on the site either.
God, what a mess.
05-15-2021 10:55 PM
Also, following up to my post, because in conversation with friends, a few more good points were brought up:
1. Is Game of Thrones now banned from eBay due to the various "sexposition" scenes in the series?
2. Is Titanic banned due to Keira Knightley's nudity in the famous artwork scene? Is the movie banned over the actual nude drawing itself? After all, your art section now says that "nudity" is fine but "sexually explicit content" is not, but also that nudity "exposed by sheer or see-through clothing" is not allowed, which makes zero sense since that bans an awful lot of "classic" art sculpture and paintings that one can see in just about any museum anywhere.
3. Is Magic Mike banned due to it's "sexually explicit content"? What about Showgirls, or Hustlers? Does the new policy ban any and all mainstream film or TV content with sex scenes, or just them darned Japanese cartoons?
4. What about mainstream western animations with sex scenes or nudity, like Castlevania or DC Comics productions? Are those now banned?
5. While I already touched on it in the first post, why do Playboy, Playgirl, and Penthouse magazines get special snowflake privileges, but every other adult magazine or comic gets canned?
This makes zero sense. At all.