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Looks like the small seller on ebay is now going to have that last nail in the coffin to stop selling on ebay.  It used to be a great place to make some extra money, but I have been finally priced out.  Overhead like, cost of item, fees, and the ultra high USPS postage changes over the last few years (price by area of the country, and the biggest scam of Christmas surcharge that starts OCT 1st of each year now, retired mailman here, NEVER have I delivered xmas mail in Oct or Nov!), makes a profit margin of only 10% not worth it,,,,even more so only to be taxed over 600.00 grass sales.  zero money to be had anymore.  Yes, just increase your price, most would say,,,,well after 22 years on ebay I know what prices people are willing to pay,,,,,an increased price is not part of the fix....

Message 1 of 215
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214 REPLIES 214

Re: 1099-K

I'm sure 90% of resellers and people that sell online don't and won't know about it until Jan 31, 2023 when they get those lovely forms in their mailboxes. Those people even I don't feel bad for. You chose not to be informed. No shortage of information these days, that's for sure. 


Just prepare, get your ducks in a row and you'll be fine. How many will actually do that is a question for another day.

Message 31 of 215
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Re: 1099-K

"Looks like the small seller on ebay is now going to have that last nail in the coffin to stop selling on ebay."




First, The change happening to the 1099K next year is NOT for Ebay only.  It is a Federal Law that applies to ALL internet sites that process the money for individual sellers like Ebay has.


Second, The 1099K does NOT mean you owe taxes on the money that is on the form.  It represents your GROSS RECEIPTS which is NOT you sales or income.  You have to deduct all refunds, cancellation, product costs, fees, shipping costs, etc. to arrive at your Income.


Just because you get a 1099K you do have to account for it on your Federal Tax return, but that does NOT mean it will cause you to owe any more taxes.  There are exemptions for selling your personal stuff and other things.  You have lots of time to do you homework and learn what those exception are so that you can easily file your taxes for the 2022 year.


Third, This lowered threshold on the 1099K has NOTHING to do with what you should have been claiming on your Federal Tax returns in years past or even this year.  Everyone was always responsible to report their internet income.  It is untrue that IRS had some minimum threshold of when you needed to claim your income.  If you have some, you should have been claiming it all along on your tax returns.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 32 of 215
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Re: 1099-K

Please explain how they will  “get wrecked”?


If they have been claiming their income as they should have been all along nothing will change. Just because they didn’t get a 1099 didn’t mean they didn’t have to report the income. 

You are assuming most small sellers are cheating on their taxes?

Message 33 of 215
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Re: 1099-K

@wildpitchsports wrote:

Just to touch on this:


Everyone and their brother is hiring.


Assuming you are a big government supporter let me just ask these two questions:


1. Since everyone is hiring & should go into retail , hospitality & fast food (that's where most of the hiring is and the jobs are that no one wants due to said abuse) - do you support someone who is disabled and elderly being abused and underpaid in said institutions? Because in reality, that's what happens. Or maybe they should go work in a candle factory in Kentucky? See how that worked out. You support that?


2. And I suppose it was okay for all of the looters in the summer of 2020 to sell their stolen wares on eBay and wherever else? Or were they excluded because of oppression? 


I see a lot of people talking about "criminals," "justice," and "law." 


Some final thoughts on that:


The true criminals are the ones that have sold stolen merchandise on here for years and continue to do so (which is more the reason legitimate sellers get undercut than anything else.)


For example - box of sports cards costs $19.97 plus tax in Walmart. Sellers start to sell them at $29.99 free shipping. Before you know it a TON of them show up on here at $14.97 and they have hundreds of them. Clearly you aren't selling hundreds of boxes at an est. $10 loss on each right? Unless you didn't pay for them in the first place...same can apply to anything sold online.


Maybe eBay should start requesting proof of source like Amazon does for certain categories. That would shut all of the black market items down that are really undercutting legitimate sellers and even the playing field. 


And this reporting change will also hopefully shut down the clear money laundering that is taking place on here. Go research Princess Diana beanie babies and Mac Jones Donruss PSA 10 under sold items and you will see money laundering at its' finest. 


While I understand and accept that taxes are due on online "sales & income" calling for grandma and grandpa to be thrown in prison for selling their 1970's flatware or someone with a legitimate disability who makes cute crafts to sell seems to be a bit extreme.



1 There are MANY jobs out there. Not just fast food, hospitality, or retail. Every factory out there is looking for people too. Many have raised the wages to something more acceptable to someone with enough brain cells to comprehend it. My wife's factory just gave them a $3 an hour raise. Fast food is paying up to 14 bucks an hour here. Fast food is not a career, it's a part time/kids first job, type of job.  Anyone NOT working at this point is just making up silly excuses/lies. No one deserves 100K to mop floors. People have this stupid misconception that if they work somewhere, that the bosses should be worshiping at their feet. If people want to be treated well at work, then build skills, knowledge, and bring value. Just because someone showed up and clocked in, doesn't mean anything. 

Some people need to get off their high horse and realize their place in society. Yes, we need workers. Yes, we need everyone to do work, even some taking on less desirable positions.  But that does not make them "gods" or that anyone should "worship" them. Sorry, but the person taking my order at McD's is not on the same level as the surgeon saving lives. People in piddly jobs are not on the same level. All deserve respect, but all are not of the same status. 


2 No, it's not ok when people steal stuff to profit from it. eBay isn't the police. eBay is not empowered to make legal decisions who stole what. Nor would anyone want eBay sticking their nose in our private affairs. But eBay certainly HAS opened the back door to agencies to "investigate" without a warrant. 


First , your assertion about thieves selling on here, may or may not be true. That's an affair for law enforcement to figure out. Not eBay or this community. IF you know of someone doing it, then by all means, do your civic duty and report them. 


Secondly, none of us know how people acquire their inventory or from whom. To assume someone getting cheap inventory is STEALING it, is pretty presumptuous. Not to mention, just plain WRONG to assume that. You toss around a bunch of strawmen in this post. To the point I question if you even live in reality.... 


There is nothing wrong with working for a living. There is nothing wrong with just having a "regular" every day type job. There is nothing wrong with doing an honest days work for the pay YOU AGREED TO when you were hired. This idea that workers need to be given the world, does NOT work. If a worker wants "more" then they need to produce more value, more worth. Least they will find themselves REPLACED by someone OR something that will do the work for less expense. 


While any of use will admit, there is PROBABLY a small amount of stolen goods sold on eBay at any given time, it certainly is not on a level that you want to spin your story around. In reality, it's probably on a very low level. Only a stupid criminal would sell stolen goods in a place that is easy to find them. It's shooting fish in a barrel for Cops. Your assumption, holds no water. 

Message 34 of 215
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Re: 1099-K

@rdd2658 wrote:

Looks like the small seller on ebay is now going to have that last nail in the coffin to stop selling on ebay.  

You have almost 29K feedbacks.  That means you have been selling a fairly high quantity of items. That is not what most people would call a small seller.  I am quite sure that you have received a 1099 several times since they started requiring them with the 200/$20K limit.  You do realize that you don't get taxed on the gross sales but the profit on those sales right? Inventory, postage, supplies, mileage and a plethora of other items are all deductible.  Your account should know this.  If they don't, fire them and find a competent CPA.

If you haven't been reporting this in the past, it is only a matter of time before the IRS catches up with you, especially next year.  I suspect there will be a lot of sellers who get a 1099 next year that have not broken the $20K threshold and didn't report that will now get one large enough to catch the IRS attention wanting to see what they actually sold in previous years.  Most sellers don't jump from $0 to $19,999 in sales their first year. 

Message 35 of 215
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Re: 1099-K

@this*old*attic wrote:

Well, most people brought it on themselves.


 I’m so over this whine.


 I’m 62 years old, and the $600 filing threshold has existed since at least the 70s…. and I was aware of it when I was a teen.


Ignorance is no excuse for not following the law.

Yes it did exist years ago, but for the last several years or more, IRS does NOT have a minimum for when you are suppose to report the income on your taxes.  We are suppose to claim ALL income on our tax reports now.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 36 of 215
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Re: 1099-K

I am a retiree and file a Schedule C for my little bit of supplementary income.  A 1099k changes nothing.

Message 37 of 215
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Re: 1099-K

Perhaps an unpopular opinion, but I do think the de minimis threshold could be raised.  I remember the sum of $600 for lo these many years, and everything does get more expensive.  A higher threshold would allow small hobby sales and a bit of patchworking to make ends meet but still preserve the greater part of the tax structure.  

“The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer.” - Henry Kissinger

"Do not obey in advance." Timothy Snyder "On Tyranny"
Message 38 of 215
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Re: 1099-K

So, tell us, how are tens of thousands of people who stop selling on platforms like this adding to state's revenues? How is taking up thousands of hours of IRS manpower policing little sellers who, in the end, won't owe anything anyway adding revenue to the federal government?  Democrats are very short-sighted. If they want to save revenue, they can stop by shutting down our border, stop handing out $2500 cash cards to illegals and putting them up in hotels while Americans sleep on the streets, and stop funding religious organizations and NGOs with billions to break our laws bringing in illegals. How about that for a start?


I know seniors on fixed incomes that use ebay to help pay their taxes to keep their homes. How is taking away this source of income from them, essentially putting them in poverty and out of their homes, helping anyone?

Message 39 of 215
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Re: 1099-K

Yes, but now you are also considered an independent contractor and subject to other taxes.

Message 40 of 215
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Re: 1099-K

@chapeau-noir wrote:

Perhaps an unpopular opinion, but I do think the de minimis threshold could be raised.  I remember the sum of $600 for lo these many years, and everything does get more expensive.  A higher threshold would allow small hobby sales and a bit of patchworking to make ends meet but still preserve the greater part of the tax structure.  

Except that the threshold of a 1099K has NEVER been the the threshold to be used for when to file and not to file claiming internet income.


Even if IRS was to change this and make the threshold $5000, that does NOT mean than those that have less than 5k in internet revenue to not have to claim it.


The $600 threshold should not be upsetting so many people.  For those that have always claimed their internet income on their Federal tax form, they they simply continue on as they always have.


For those that have not been claiming their internet income, well there may be a little problem for them, especially if they have sold for years.  BUT, there are exceptions to the rules for when the income is taxable and when it is not.  For many of the sellers that are upset, they are getting bad information or don't realize that they may be an exception.  They would still have to claim the income, but it would not increase their income taxes due.


Homework, research, that is what the sellers that are not familiar with claiming their income need to do.  The result of that may not be as bad as others have been telling them it will be.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 41 of 215
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Re: 1099-K

@perfumenmore wrote: ... I know seniors on fixed incomes that use ebay to help pay their taxes to keep their homes. How is taking away this source of income from them, essentially putting them in poverty and out of their homes, helping anyone?

Nobody is taking it away from them. If they choose to stop selling on eBay because they don't want to report that income, then that's their choice.  After considering all the deductible expenses, standard deduction etc. probably few of them will owe anything.


Eight states and Washington DC already have lower thresholds in place.  Massachusetts and Vermont have had threshold of $600 since 2018.  I suspect that those states just haven't lost a significant number of their eBay sellers.

Message 42 of 215
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Re: 1099-K

@perfumenmore wrote:

So, tell us, how are tens of thousands of people who stop selling on platforms like this adding to state's revenues? How is taking up thousands of hours of IRS manpower policing little sellers who, in the end, won't owe anything anyway adding revenue to the federal government?  Democrats are very short-sighted. If they want to save revenue, they can stop by shutting down our border, stop handing out $2500 cash cards to illegals and putting them up in hotels while Americans sleep on the streets, and stop funding religious organizations and NGOs with billions to break our laws bringing in illegals. How about that for a start?


I know seniors on fixed incomes that use ebay to help pay their taxes to keep their homes. How is taking away this source of income from them, essentially putting them in poverty and out of their homes, helping anyone?

You are making a BIG assumption that 10s of 1000s of sellers would leave internet selling.  You are assuming that they are all not paying the income taxes they are suppose to be paying.  And you are assuming that none of those sellers would be exempt and not have to pay taxes on their income.  They would still have to claim it but that doesn't mean it would increase their tax debt.


IRS has been funded for more staff, so for the last few months they have been gearing up.


This isn't just about Democrats, that is short sighted too.


And those seniors that are selling stuff from their homes and not buying stuff to resell, are likely and exception to the rule and would not owe a dime more in income taxes.  You need to do your homework.  Not everyone is treated equally and some will be tax except.  As I said they will still have to claim the income, but it is unlikely to cause their taxes to increase.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 43 of 215
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Re: 1099-K

@perfumenmore wrote:

Yes, but now you are also considered an independent contractor and subject to other taxes.

If you aren't set up as an LLC or other corporation, Sellers have always been Independent contractors / Sole Proprietors.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 44 of 215
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Re: 1099-K

@nobody*s_perfect wrote:

@perfumenmore wrote: ... I know seniors on fixed incomes that use ebay to help pay their taxes to keep their homes. How is taking away this source of income from them, essentially putting them in poverty and out of their homes, helping anyone?

Nobody is taking it away from them. If they choose to stop selling on eBay because they don't want to report that income, then that's their choice.  After considering all the deductible expenses, standard deduction etc. probably few of them will owe anything.


Eight states and Washington DC already have lower thresholds in place.  Massachusetts and Vermont have had threshold of $600 since 2018.  I suspect that those states just haven't lost a significant number of their eBay sellers.

Just to add to what you said above.


1099K State Requirements.JPG

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 45 of 215
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