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Turbo Lister update failure

I have two computers running Windows 10. On both computers, Turbo Lister crashes when I try to perform a data update.


I have tried both systems using administrator rights.


Anyone have a guess of what to try next?



Message 1 of 46
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Re: Turbo Lister update failure

@djb728 wrote:

After two weeks of trying, last night, still with some difficulty, I was able to finally successfully update TurboLister.  The only way I could make it work was to uncheck all but one of the updates and do them each independently.  Took over an hour that way, but at least it is now done.


I just looked at 4 items I listed with TL last night.  I haven't listed anything in over a month, so was quite surprised by the result.  The item description that shows when I open my listings, is a Reader's Digest Condensed version, apparently written by someone with ADD who is also dyslexic or perhaps in the throes of dementia.  Apparently the only way potential bidders can see what I actually wrote, is by clicking on the "View Full Description" option.  What the heck is up with that **bleep**?!

It is a buyer-side test that eBay is currently conducting where some buyers who have been lucky enough to have been chosen get to click the magic button to see all of the description. So some buyers will see your descriptions as you intended and anyone in the test will see what you are seeing. There is no way to opt out but I was able to escape by deleting all of the ebay cookies using the Firefox Options section.


There are multiple discussions about the View Item Description button on the Selling board plus some of the other boards.

Message 31 of 46
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Re: Turbo Lister update failure

It was not I who wrote **bleep**.  The word I chose rhymes with 'trap', but was meant to convey my feelings that the results were excrement.  I thought I had toned down the verbage significantly at that, but must have been mistaken.

Message 32 of 46
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Re: Turbo Lister update failure

mykal@ebay ebay support.
Can you please read my posts I put up last night and this morning?
They are on this thread, and I need to get back to listing.
I am at a complete standstill, and need any help to get back going.
Thank you.
Message 33 of 46
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Re: Turbo Lister update failure

I'm sorry that you are still having issues with installing updates.

Please uncheck "Data Updates" and "Listing Designer Template" updates. If you are able to install just the "Turbo Lister Application Updates" first, this will solve the issue.

Once you are able to install the "Application Updates" first, then it will restart and you will be on version 9.923.100.2. Once you are on this version, you can check for updates again and install the rest of updates available, mainly the "Data Updates".

If you can't uncheck the "Data Updates", please let me know. I'll be happy to provide you with steps to reinstall your Turbo Lister completely (have a backup available to restore on a new copy of Turbo Lister.)

Please feel free to reach out to my team for further support if you need quicker response. I'll try my best to monitor Community Boards the best that I can.

**If you feel that a phone call would better help resolve your concerns, please feel free to do so. To call us, click on the Help & Contact link found at the top of most eBay pages. Click on the Contact Us button at the bottom of the page. Select ‘Selling’ -> ‘Getting Started’ -> ‘Selling Tools’ for issues or concerns related to eBay listing tools that my team can assist you with. Now scroll to the bottom and click Call Us. Ask the customer supported agent to transfer you to the Advanced Apps team. Our business hours are 8am - 6pm Mountain Time.**


eBay Support
Message 34 of 46
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Re: Turbo Lister update failure

I am also having this problem of crashing on update.  I am unable to uncheck the Data Updates, it is grayed out.

Message 35 of 46
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Re: Turbo Lister update failure

I was also having this problem with TL crashing while attempting to install updates; thank goodness I finally thought to Google my issue and found this recent discussion thread! Per the suggestions here, once I opened TL via "run as administrator" on my Win 10 computer and unclicked the data updates, I was finally able to download & install the application update. TL then restarted by itself, and finally showed just the data updates to install. The data updates were still slow to install -- but that just gave me an excuse to play a favorite PC casual game for 15 minutes or so, by which time the data updates had installed as well.
I'm still not impressed by the multiple listing tools available on eBay (although I should check to see if there have been any major improvements over the summer). I'm leaning towards eventually switching to the cheapest paid listing tool which will allow me to import all of my Turbo Lister data (maybe Wonder Lister?), but am putting that step off as long as I can limp along with my "twilighted" TL (because for a small-volume seller like me, minimizing overhead is important; in other words, I'm a cheapskate).

Message 36 of 46
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Re: Turbo Lister update failure

'Cheapskate' = smart?  I know, I misspell words all of the time.

eBay is continually updating this site. Some advice given may have changed. Please reply to this thread, to let us know if this advice works for you. The links on the bottom of any eBay page can help you deal with most eBay issues. Contact eBay Customer Service on or
Message 37 of 46
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Re: Turbo Lister update failure

Wow!  What an easy fix.  I am thrilled.  I right clicked on TL icon and clicked on Run as Administrator.  I clicked off "Data Updates" and ran the "Turbo Lister Application Update" without a hitch. and when the program restarted I ran the "Data Updates" also without any problems, it took about 8 minutes to run.  The TL I updated to this morning is now 9.923.101.0. 


I hadn't  used TL for months because I couldn't get past the TURBO LISTER EXE HAS STOPPED WORKING failure.  I checked out this discussion a few times but didn't find any answers until today.  I did wonder if the problem was somehow related  to Windows 8.1 or 10 but I am not techy enough to get into something I don't always understand.   I am using Windows 10.


I imagine this information could help bunches of people that have given up to finding answers.  Can this be pinned to the top so it doessn't dissappear?


Thank you posters!  I appreciate this discussion.



Message 38 of 46
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Re: Turbo Lister update failure

I forgot to mention that I have been using TL since the first year it was offered, way back.  It has been so long, I can't remember the date anymore.  I was in my fifties then.................I won't mention now!  LOL  The TL I use now is actually TL2. 

Message 39 of 46
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Re: Turbo Lister update failure

Amazing solution!  Thank you so much!

Message 40 of 46
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Re: Turbo Lister update failure

Thank you for this information. I have been having the same problems my Turbo Lister crashes when I try to update. I called Ebay today and asked to speak with Advanced Apps team. She was able to resolve the issue for me. Thank you Ebay Team!! 🙂



Message 41 of 46
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Re: Turbo Lister update failure

I have tried as administrator and still cannot uncheck the data update and TL crashes every time I try any type of update.  Can you send me a download link that will allow me to access a udated version that will accept my backup please.

Message 42 of 46
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Re: Turbo Lister update failure

I ran into the same issues as everyone else. What a pain. This is what worked for me.

First do a backup.

Second Proceed to

Third Install what appears to be the most current version.

Fourth Open program and do the one update.

Fifth Close program and reopen and it should run fine ( or at least it does for me).

Not all of us run smartphones and tablets nor have reliable internet. It would be nice if eBay realized this and left a very good listing tool alone. I have been using TL for ages and will till it goes belly up.  Hope this helps some of y'all.

Running a Windows 7 desktop here BTW. 🙂


Message 43 of 46
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Re: Turbo Lister update failure

I can confirm this method is working today, 11/15/17 -- Windows 10.


I didn't even uninstall the existing version.

Message 44 of 46
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Re: Turbo Lister update failure

It worked for me too! Thank you!!!
Message 45 of 46
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