07-28-2021 04:19 PM
I just saw how this one creepy guy who worked as head of EBay’s security department stalked and harassed a couple who were reasonably critical of some stuff on EBay:
I don’t want random creepy pig’s heads sent to me or random books that are thinly veiled death threats. I just really like that he went to the trouble to falsely advertise swinger’s parties at the couples’ home. I’m bisexual and once in a blue moon I like to go to some pretty fun “parties”. Is there any way that EBay can e-mail a bunch of random people and tell them sex parties are going down at my house?
PS: If they do this, and some freaky adults come over, I do not have a pool or jacuzzi installed. Just letting you peeps know.
07-28-2021 04:20 PM
I also want them to send the black EBay van that head of cybersecurity used for them after me, because I’m lonely and would love some attention!! 😁😁
07-28-2021 11:55 PM
You are looking at something that happened two years ago and that the FBI kept under wraps for a year while they investigated. The perps have all been arrested and most are sentenced to prison. I can't see how you could personally benefit from such an attack unless you started your own eBay-bashing venture that garnered some market share and could convince someone at eBay to stalk you.
I would assume most staff employees wouldn't dream of traipsing out on that limb, so you're probably out of luck this late in the game. Perhaps you might have had a better opportunity some years ago if you had been better informed and prepared. As it is, eBay is already on a different path and is not likely to take you up on your request.
07-29-2021 05:53 AM
Have to assume your post is sarcasm.
And what you are reporting is old news.
08-01-2021 02:16 AM
No, it’s not sarcasm. I am really, really lonely! And I would really love EBay’s new head of security to go around to random people and go, “HEY!! MIKE HAS SWINGER PARTIES!!” That’d be so cool!! Lol! 😁😁
08-01-2021 04:58 AM
There are quite a few online dating sites. eBay is not one of them. I doubt if acting as your wing man is in eBay's head of security's job description.
08-01-2021 10:26 AM
But nobody on those dating sites will follow me all the time in a black van or call me up and breathe heavily on the phone 100 times at 3 in the morning. 😭
08-01-2021 11:14 AM
You've been in lockdown too long. No one's going to warm up to a dude in a mask who hasn't been to the barber or gym in over a year. I recommend heading to the beach and getting some sunshine time. 🙂
08-01-2021 11:18 AM
Actually I HAVE gone to the barber many times in the past year. I just started my new gym membership too! 😁
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