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Old Listing Format

Tried the new listing format.  Hate it.  How do I get back to original format?

Message 1 of 124
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123 REPLIES 123

Old Listing Format

I have looked at it and agree that it is not a great format. I the idea behind it is good but what it comes down to is that people want a computer to be a computer and a phone to be a phone. The new design looks like my text stream on my phone.... I worked on my phone because texting is not business generally.   When it comes to business a certain measure of professionalism is expected, not a bubbly teenager type interface. 


Plus the biggest problem is that it had no functionality! You can't link to the listing or send an offer or do anything.  It's just fluff

Message 106 of 124
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Old Listing Format

I don't see that this option is there any more

Message 107 of 124
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Old Listing Format


@ecsmarket wrote:

I don't see that this option is there any more

It's not. We are now in the no-going-back phase of the rollout.

ShipScript has been an eBay Community volunteer since 2003, specializing in HTML, CSS, Scripts, Photos, Active Content, Technical Solutions, and online Seller Tools.
Message 108 of 124
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Old Listing Format

Just keep sending the feedback every time you make a listing.  It is impossible that they do not know how bad the design is by now. Mobile is for phones and computers NEED a desktop version to be efficient.    Ebay must have a list of all the deficiencies of the unified tool now- we have tirelessly spelled it out for them so its simply a matter of Ebay choosing to listen to their customers or not.   at this point its a "numbers" game- so keeps complaining on phone/customer service reps/the feedback loops/facebook/twitter- whatever you can do.

Message 109 of 124
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Old Listing Format

I have tried and searched everywhere and there are no "three dots" on any of my screens.

Under  Help/FAQs it says "you can switch to classic view and it looks like a hyper link but it isn't.

It looks like most of the seller hub is gone? or hidden and it takes a LOT of searching to find what I need.

Can you fix this?

Thank You


Message 110 of 124
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Old Listing Format

you can no longer switch to Classic view.  They got rid of it...

Message 111 of 124
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Old Listing Format

Him... It's over, they got rid of the classic tool forever. The fact that you are mentioning the exact same issues that we were facing 2 years ago further process that this unified listing tool missed the mark completely. 2.5 years in and many updates and users are still "searching for hidden" things. It's literally crazy at this point. 

Message 112 of 124
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Old Listing Format

I don't have it either!

Message 113 of 124
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Old Listing Format

The new format is junk! Looks like I will be using Craig's

Message 114 of 124
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Old Listing Format

Just tried your link and the new format shows up with no options

Message 115 of 124
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Old Listing Format

new tool.JPGthis is what is on that link

Message 116 of 124
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Old Listing Format

That link leads to the new tool!!!!!!!!!!!! It is junk.

Message 117 of 124
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Old Listing Format

eBay liked the link. It no longer works. Just keep giving feedback so we can get improvements in the tool for desktop users

Message 118 of 124
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Old Listing Format

I hate it when they force us to change stuff that was working just fine. Didn't care if they wanted a new way of doing it but they should have let us keep the classic way like they said we could.

Message 119 of 124
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Old Listing Format

Apparently they have now removed the way to access the classic version of the listing tool.


Does anyone know of a low priced third party listing software program?


Thanks much!

Message 120 of 124
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