01-19-2023 08:01 AM
What is the fix for this error? I am trying to upload a bulk load template using a CSV file and when I tried uploading the file I received this error message. I made sure the punctuation was correct (changed ADD to Add) but I still received the same error message. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
01-19-2023 10:24 AM
BAF.Error.5 is often triggered by an unrecognized character or spurious line-end in the file.
If using a Mac to export a CSV file, make sure the file is in Windows format, as the line-ends are encoded differently on a Mac.
If using an older spreadsheet tool, do not save as UTF-8 because older spreadsheet programs add extra invisible DOM characters to the front of the file.
Ensure the "Action" header is correctly stated.
Look at all of your content to make sure there are no extraneous line-breaks in any of the cells and no hidden characters anywhere in the header row. Disallowed line-breaks are most common in the description field, but can also accidentally occur in any field and can easily be overlooked.
Also make sure there are no empty rows and no straggling data cells beyond your intended rows.
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