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New listing tool takes five times as long as the old way.

Today started the day that I am being forced to use the new listing tool. I find it to be horrendous. It is taking me five times as long to create a listing as the old way. Instead of everything being on one page, where you just keep going down to fill things in, you now have to keep mouse clicking on the different sections and scroll down all the options. The set up is time consuming and more confusing. I hate it to the point where I think I will be looking for another platform to sell on. I simply do not have the extra time to create listings in such a soul sucking and time consuming manner. Whoever in ebay decided this would be a good change needs to be fired. Who wants listings to take more time instead of less? Are you kidding me?

Message 1 of 33
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Re: New listing tool takes five times as long as the old way.

I agree.  It took me 20 minutes just to list one thing.  Have you noticed the gallery photos are blurry due to the increased size?  Also the font on my auctions are huge.  I even searched one of my items with the exact name and it said, "no results found".  The changes eBay makes are not beneficial to the seller.

Message 2 of 33
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Re: New listing tool takes five times as long as the old way.

No they are not at all. Why would they do this to sellers? As if inflation was not bad enough in dropping our sales. Now would be the time we need to list more, to hopefully drive more sales, but now we can't because it takes five times a s long.

Message 3 of 33
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Re: New listing tool takes five times as long as the old way.

Just started using the new listing tool today.  I agree with you 100%.  Confusing and time consuming.   Most of ebay changes are not good for the seller.  I guess we will just have to figure it out and hope that ebay stops trying to help us with unwanted changes.

Message 4 of 33
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Re: New listing tool takes five times as long as the old way.

I hope they at least let us you the old way if we choose to.

Message 5 of 33
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Re: New listing tool takes five times as long as the old way.

It stinks, go back to the way it was.

Message 6 of 33
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Re: New listing tool takes five times as long as the old way.

Yes, please!

Message 7 of 33
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Re: New listing tool takes five times as long as the old way.

not sure I understand the issue. Is this when you start from scratch? 


I normally find something similar that I already have listed and use the drop down and select sell similar". 

Message 8 of 33
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Re: New listing tool takes five times as long as the old way.

I agree. I usually just go with changes early so I'm not forced to try and figure it out when I'm rushed for time. Even after doing that, I'm left hunting and searching for details to edit. Nothing has an easy flow that the previous listing process had.


As @serpentine21 said, instead of being able to proofread your listing on one page, you have to keep clicking in- and- out of pop ups. And the fonts are weird. The shipping worries me the most as they make it as convoluted as possible to see what your choices are.


I'm curious why the person(s) who made these changes thought they were helpful to sellers. Did they ask for any feedback before proceeding?

Message 9 of 33
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Re: New listing tool takes five times as long as the old way.

Exactly! I though the shipping was such a mess too. It was hard for me to figure out how to set my standard first class prices for low weight items. It really is such a nightmare. It makes no sense at all.

Message 10 of 33
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Re: New listing tool takes five times as long as the old way.

I guess it is time to go to facebook.


Message 11 of 33
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Re: New listing tool takes five times as long as the old way.

I do not remember a time when eBay backed down from a change though they may make some minor changes if enough complain.  Basically they do not care what the sellers think.


The new listing format is way too ridiculous and whoever designed it has no idea what it takes to list an item on the site.


We have slow internet connections here and all those pop ups are a nightmare.  And if the internet connection is dropped in the middle of a listing, I have to start all over again.  Frustrating!!



Message 12 of 33
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Re: New listing tool takes five times as long as the old way.

Even Ecommerce Bytes had an article reading the nearly universal complaints abut the new listing tool and how it now takes much longer to create  a listing.  Ebay normally does not admit to making errors or making poor choices or using bad judgment.  But since this new change is going to cost folks money, as in time, I would suggest barraging Ebay's Facebook for business with daily complaints, or at least complain every day that you list items.  Perhaps if enough people relentlessly flooded that Ebay Facebook page then Ebay might take notice.  See it as a sort of Saul Alinsky style protest.  Just bookmark that Facebook page, have a small paragraph that you can copy and paste daily noting your complaints, and take a few seconds to register your complaints mercilessly.  Just be polite.

Message 13 of 33
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Re: New listing tool takes five times as long as the old way.

I just got a survey from eBay regarding my recent selling experience.  Lots of questions about how the listing process went. They got all "extremely dissatisfied" checked off.


There are boxes where you can type in & tell eBay why you checked the rating you did. I went over several paragraphs of problems with the new listing tool. I was able to do this in 4 different areas.


If you get this survey, write your long reply in the first box, them make sure you copy & paste it so you can put it in the boxes that will come later. I didn't until I got half way thru the survey, & had to write everything out again.

I just wish eBay would listen to the sellers.

You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.
Message 14 of 33
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Re: New listing tool takes five times as long as the old way.

The only time I remember them doing that was when they implemented that weird "you can't put something on sale again until 14 days after the sale has ended" situation. I don't remember all of the details, but I think I remember that getting rolled back pretty quickly. I despise the new pop up format. How is extra clicks more streamlined or efficient for us as sellers? Why don't they just stick closely to the old format but make it look newer and prettier with rounded buttons and updated font if they feel so inclined?

Message 15 of 33
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