04-04-2022 12:35 PM
I tried the new listing tool & immediately switched back after trying it once. The amount of clicking I had to do to list one item was frightening to say the least.
I list one of a kind items & it doesn't work for me.
Does anyone know if it's an option or will it be the only listing template to use on Ebay?
05-20-2022 06:22 AM
Its been close to a month now and I have only been able to suffer through 15 listings or so- still waiting till they figure out what to do to help us sellers that list on a desktop- not a phone.
06-25-2022 09:40 PM
now its been over two months with some small improvements- i wish they would just come out and say-"we heard you" and let us know what they are working on so we could put this to rest. I am sure it takes time to reprogram everything and that is probably already causes breaks in the new code but we need a tool that will work for us sellers who use computers. What can we expect in the near future?
07-12-2022 10:24 AM
3 months now.......... still fighting with unified listing tool and reduced listing capabilities
still takes 3x longer to complete a full unique listing
still catching mistakes after the fact from unintuitive UI
still no improvements since the free shipping button added to he main flow- are we done ebay? is this it?
Please communicate with your sellers/customers
what is the "roadmap"
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