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Return request refund overdue. Need a suggestion. UPDATED.

This is a follow up post to my previous one where I talked about receiving an e-mail from eBay saying that I received a return and I have 3 business days to refund the buyer after not receiving any return.


I've contacted eBay customer support after receiving some answers to my previous post, and eBay agent assured me that I can ignore the "Item returned. Now it's time to refund the buyer." message. Upon further checking he also confirmed that eBay does not see any evidence of the return ever been shipped to me.

At that time the request was at "Refund buyer by Mar 20" state in my "manage returns" section.


After the Mar 20th. I can see that the state of the return request now changed to "Refund overdue since Mar 20. Buyer may open a case."


I wonder whether I should contact eBay support again in order to close the request?


Should I be worry about a potential case that the buyer can open against me even after eBay confirmed that the return hasn't been shipped back to me at all?


Does any one here had similar "Refund overdue" cases before and knows if they are likely to close automatically after some time, and if yes, how long can it take for such request to close?

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Re: Return request refund overdue. Need a suggestion.


In the return case itself, at the top you can see if the buyer has shipped the item. If the buyer has not shipped the item, the case will eventually timeout and close automatically.  I have had them close quickly after the time allotment to send the return has passed and a few that were perhaps a week or so later before they closed.


Used to be you could contact eBay and have them close them but I think that went away 3-4 years ago.

I never bothered contacting eBay, I just let them close out on their own.

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Re: Return request refund overdue. Need a suggestion.

I need a refund

Message 3 of 6
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Re: Return request refund overdue. Need a suggestion.

@adrad_18 wrote:

I need a refund

Open your own separate thread with details of what has transpired.  If you want to post on tne UK site here is the link.


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Message 4 of 6
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Re: Return request refund overdue. Need a suggestion.

I'm writing this reply just as a quick update on the return request situation:


So, I've contacted eBay customer support today asking them basically the same question that I asked in this post: should I wait till the request automatically closes or should I ask you [eBay] to close the request?


After the agent gone through the case she replied that, quote:

"Upon checking the details, I can see that the buyer filed the request with mentioning the notes as "Cancel" which means that the buyer has not received the item and they would like to cancel the order. Also, I can check that no tracking was uploaded from your end on the order so may I know have you shipped the item to the buyer or not?"


.............I just lost word at that point.

Like, c'mon eBay, you have it all in your system. I have shipped the item! I have uploaded the tracking number the same moment the package was shipped! The buyer opened the request a week after the package has been shipped so he couldn't have received the package by then because it is an international shipping which usually takes between 3 to 4 weeks to be delivered! At the end buyer did received his item as tracking number indicates! There are zero evidence that the buyer shipped back the return! The buyer never answered any of my messages to him!


What drives me mad even more is the fact that you can build your seller reputation for years and all it takes is just one person that basically register to eBay to make this one purchase from you and never logging back again, completely ignoring all your messages and leaving you with a pile of **bleep** to deal with, and eBay just turn the whole situation upside down on you......


Really eBay..? Really?

And how is it that with each different agent the situation can turn all the way around with the conclusion that the agent gets to while the case remains the same one?

And what about the "Cancel" note that buyer can choose? Does eBay automatically consider such note as "Item not received" case no matter which state the purchase or the shipping currently at???

Message 5 of 6
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Re: Return request refund overdue. Need a suggestion.

When a case is opened, you are required to input the data is asks for. The system does not import or already have that data. Failing to do so can & will lead to you losing a case. Many sellers make this mistake because they think it's already there. It ruins hard built businesses. Never take the path of least resistance & assume its already done. You end up paying for it eventually.

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