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My turn to eat it, how long can I delay?

Against my better judgement I sold a $1k item here as it just wasn't something that was going to sell elsewhere.  I have free returns so the return was accepted immediately with the reason it doesn't fit and they said "item has heavy wear and seems incompatible".  Of course they had no pics...  I sent a message inquiring about this heavy wear and incompatible statement as it was very clean and fully functional, I asked for pics.  Yes I know they don't have to supply them!  They responded with you will see when you get it send a label ASAP..

How long can I delay this label just because?  I responded with if it has shipping damage the carrier may need to inspect this item as I'll need to file a shipping claim, top rated sellers can deduct up to 50% on returns so I ask you please work with me, thanks!

Just wanted to rattle a cage or two... There's no doubt I get back an old best up Dead unit or a book, total bummer. 

Message 1 of 34
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Re: My turn to eat it, how long can I delay?

I don't know how long you can stall but if it is too long, ebay will give the refund and you will not get the item back.


If it were me, I would send the return label now.

Message 2 of 34
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Re: My turn to eat it, how long can I delay?

I'm sorry you chose to handle it this way. It seems you are pushing the buyer into sending you back a more damaged item. You sold this item with free returns so you already know that any return will auto accept. Why poke that bear? Made you feel good but may have instigated your buyer more into retaliation. 

Any shipping damage claim is for the seller only, you cannot expect the buyer (a perfect stranger to you) to take time out to photograph or save the box for the carrier inspection. To answer your question, you are given a date to supply the label before buyer can get eBay involved. Don't play more games, send the label and don't irritate the buyer any further. They can and will leave you negative feedback as well. Just get the item back and resell it. You can make up any loss of money in the second sale. Best of luck to you.... 

Message 3 of 34
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Re: My turn to eat it, how long can I delay?

Do the return ASAP and don't rattle any cages. Just politely inform them you will accept the return and upon receiving the item you shipped them you will make the refund.

Message 4 of 34
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Re: My turn to eat it, how long can I delay?

You can delay the label until the buyer has the ability to escalate.  It should tell you in the return case when you "must respond"  This is the day the buyer can escalate.


If the buyer does send back something other than described, after only refunding 50%, Make sure you report the buyer.  I have had one case where the buyer had done this several times and ebay ended up reimbursing me for the funds.  Usually though, ebay just credits your shipping fees and you eat the balance.


You can hope for the best.  Maybe this person just had buyers remorse.

Message 5 of 34
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Re: My turn to eat it, how long can I delay?



You have three days.

On the 4th, buyer can ask Ebay to step in and it'll be to late then.

Happy Fathers Day.
Message 6 of 34
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Re: My turn to eat it, how long can I delay?

You’ll never win! Send label. Yes, certain sellers may deduct up to 50%, but all the buyer has to do is complain and you have to fully refund. On eBay there’s no such thing as a seller being protected.

Message 7 of 34
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Re: My turn to eat it, how long can I delay?

I know you can't expect a buyer to work with you on shipping claims, it's why insurance isn't worth anything.  It wouldn't matter if I quad boxed it because carriers won't accept a claim they can't examine the packaging on and some carriers call for loss of insurance when you have it shipped back.   It went to a little "computer store", I've played this game a few times on returns from computer stores and lost each time.   I'll send a label, I knew they'd never respond back after "you'll see when you get it back"...  They know... I know .. if it had been damaged in shipping, a buyer would simply say so.  You can tell by by my many pics of every angle and side I sent a mint machine that was tested on every port.  Sigh..  I'll update when I get back what's most likely to be junk one way or another.  This item would of been the size of every single one it's it's field, it's not like cloths where it could possibly vary. 

Message 8 of 34
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Re: My turn to eat it, how long can I delay?

The message "may" of been favorable, they responded asking the serial unit of the unit "so they can send back the right one".  

I responded with "how many did you buy with no rack ears and the power cable,. "The last two of the serial are xx , it has xxxx hand written in marker on the bottom and light scratching on the rear visible in the high res pics.  There are swirl marks on the inside near the fans where I cleaned it with alcohol while cleaning the fans.  It was in a large box with blue scotch tape and several layers of varied size bubble wrap."

  I attached a zoomed in pic of the marker and the light scratching pattern to which the response was ..

"I bought 3 thanks for the information"..

Just going to return one without knowing which one is which?

Message 9 of 34
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Re: My turn to eat it, how long can I delay?

Is going to return one (not necessarily the one you sold) that fits the description she gave as her reason for return.  

Message 10 of 34
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Re: My turn to eat it, how long can I delay?

Definitely appears so.  I guess they bought 3 of the same 1k items and none of them fit, all of them are incompatible, all appear heavily used and if you want the same one attempted to be shipped back you should supply all the details.  

  I think it's far more like they wanted the serial to see if I even had it and to be sure they switch the top of the unit which is just a few screws but since the bottom is labeled by marker they will have to switch the boards which really isn't much more work. 

All Made fairly Obvious by the "to make sure I return the right one", just how many are you returning? Nothing at all about this points to a legit return, quite the opposite.  

Message 11 of 34
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Re: My turn to eat it, how long can I delay?

I'm a bit confused here. I thought with "free returns"  when a return is automatically accepted, as it would be with that policy, that unless seller policy required an RNA, eBay would also automatically issue a return label.

Message 12 of 34
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Re: My turn to eat it, how long can I delay?

I chose the option to use the RMA # so eBay wouldn't automatically buy some $100 label should someone try to return one of the many lots of 4+ laptops at a time I sell.

Message 13 of 34
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Re: My turn to eat it, how long can I delay?

Well I managed to track down another one of the sellers this person bought one of the others from and they also have a return setup with them for the same reasons it seems.  It's clear this person is going to be pulling the switch a roo on all of us and will be swapping in bad parts to return our devices.  Where do we go from here, I know we have no real protection but surely when they are doing this to multiple people at a time and we can prove it, something more can be done?

Message 14 of 34
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Re: My turn to eat it, how long can I delay?

@jahood1984 wrote:

I chose the option to use the RMA # so eBay wouldn't automatically buy some $100 label should someone try to return one of the many lots of 4+ laptops at a time I sell.

If possible @jahood1984 could you post a screenshot of how to enable the option to use the RMA number?

Message 15 of 34
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