07-01-2021 06:12 PM - edited 07-01-2021 06:15 PM
I see a bunch of ppl are having the same problem . Ebay is yet again creating “unethical” and “unfair “ if not criminal or Fraud ? impossible polices as an excuse to use sellers for ebays financial gain and loss prevention. It’s useless to talk to a rep because they are trapped within the unethical ebay policy and will get fired if they do the right thing. The police dept won’t write a police report for ebay disputes because they said it’s a civil matter between ebay, the buyer and seller. Actually I think it’s mail Fraud … Ebay knows it’s not possible in some Counties and knows it doesn’t fit into anything that the police department will write a report for but yet still uses the excuse anyway, if you can’t get a police report, ebay keeps the sellers money while they know the seller can’t get a police report . I heard about some ppl getting a reference informational report but that’s up to the police department if they want to do that or not. I was told NO. I spoke to an ebay rep , the rep told me that ebay lost tons of money over fraud buyers and sellers. That’s ebays problem. So in order to provide their 100% buyer refund policy, they have to create a policy that is not possible to obtain as their excuse to refund a buyer and keep sellers money so ebay doesn’t incur the loss .
07-03-2021 07:05 AM
The other day when trying to help someone on another site I could not convince them it wasn't ok to sell a used item. It was one of the categories where used isn't allowed. A rep had told them it was fine just to select new as the condition and put used in the title and description. Now the seller was having trouble listing because he kept getting an error that his title didn't match the condition. I'm like yeah you can't sell those used yes I can this is what the eBay rep told me to do...ugh.
07-03-2021 07:34 PM - edited 07-03-2021 07:36 PM
The problem is that ebay is shameless about it so when a company becomes shameless , there is nothing to do but leave or sue them
07-03-2021 07:35 PM
YUP, some of the responses I got in emails today from ebay are all over the place, it’s like they invent as they go along … ebay is just getting worse and worse …I won’t buy nor sell with them anymore . I will go elsewhere and eventually as ebay gets worse and worse , more sellers will leave .
07-03-2021 07:43 PM
Yes, I think so
07-03-2021 07:47 PM
thank you for that
07-03-2021 09:25 PM
If this was a credit card chargeback then I can see why you had to wait so long before your case got processed. The CC companies take their sweet time dealing with these issues and THEY are the real demons in this game. Some days I wish people could just send a money order. LOL!!
07-04-2021 04:50 AM
Yes, exactly right. EBay is not going to take a hit if they don't have to