07-01-2021 06:12 PM - edited 07-01-2021 06:15 PM
I see a bunch of ppl are having the same problem . Ebay is yet again creating “unethical” and “unfair “ if not criminal or Fraud ? impossible polices as an excuse to use sellers for ebays financial gain and loss prevention. It’s useless to talk to a rep because they are trapped within the unethical ebay policy and will get fired if they do the right thing. The police dept won’t write a police report for ebay disputes because they said it’s a civil matter between ebay, the buyer and seller. Actually I think it’s mail Fraud … Ebay knows it’s not possible in some Counties and knows it doesn’t fit into anything that the police department will write a report for but yet still uses the excuse anyway, if you can’t get a police report, ebay keeps the sellers money while they know the seller can’t get a police report . I heard about some ppl getting a reference informational report but that’s up to the police department if they want to do that or not. I was told NO. I spoke to an ebay rep , the rep told me that ebay lost tons of money over fraud buyers and sellers. That’s ebays problem. So in order to provide their 100% buyer refund policy, they have to create a policy that is not possible to obtain as their excuse to refund a buyer and keep sellers money so ebay doesn’t incur the loss .
07-01-2021 06:35 PM
Yes, exactly right. eBay is not going to take a hit if they don't have to.
07-02-2021 02:34 AM - edited 07-02-2021 02:37 AM
It wasn’t that way before with PayPal because PayPal is ethical. No such bank, credit card company , nor any kind of money processors like PayPal and all the rest in the financial industry act in this manner so that’s why the push onto sellers started in when ebays managed payments partner came about . Ebay found a money processor co. that has just as unethical business practices as ebay in order to pull off their new game. The advertising of Seller protection is fraudulent now . But if ebay gets sued , and YES they can no matter what policy they write, that’s the only way it will stop them but ebay banks on it that a seller won’t take the time, effort and money to sue them so they will just keep going until sued. I saw another seller , even with proof of delivery , just because a buyer clicked on Item not received button , ebays system auto held about 3,500 I think and auto refunded the buyer sending the seller to appeals with the proof delivery and signature but still had to battle it out with ebay for 2 months for a no-brainer proof of delivery . The buyer didn’t say they received junk or anything , just item not received yet it had proof and signature. So ebay has become that shameless . That is ZERO seller protection yet ebay advertises seller protection . They have the system so rigged up it makes it very very very difficult for a seller to get their money back when it shouldn’t be. I shut down my store and closed my bank account as soon as that rep told me ebay would automatically refund anyway no matter what I got back and I knew based uo the comments that it wasn’t my item they were sending back and sure enough, it wasn’t mine what I got back. They told me I would have to go through appeals and sure enough ebay said sorry since the police won’t write that report, we won’t give you your money back . It was a lot of money. Glad I was ahead of ebay and closed everything up including my bank account.
07-02-2021 08:41 AM
Hmm if you ever find a CS rep that says this please get them to send you any written instructions ebay has given them on such..
Usable info must be provable as to were the order came from. If we users can get such: then some thing can be done about it.
Did you get a transcript of the chat with this on it?
07-02-2021 08:42 AM
> I spoke to an ebay rep , the rep told me that ebay lost tons of money over fraud buyers and sellers. <
That is a hilarious statement for anyone eBay to tell people.
In order to lose tons of money, they had to have gained tons of the tons of money in the first place.
It's like losing a twine of grass in a haystack.
07-02-2021 05:09 PM
I have many more hilarious statements from ebay reps . YES, exactly , ebay makes tons of money but he, the rep, wanted me to see ebays side of the story and why , so he was telling me how ebay lost so much money over their guarantee , I think he said like millions. There could be a show “ ebay reps say the darnedest” things “
07-02-2021 05:22 PM
NO not on that one , but I did start using chat shortly after that to record all these things that reps say and I kept a couple good ones . I have a lovely chat with an ebay rep when I asked about using their return ship label as ebay provided one for returns that a seller can just click on and use that is sent to the buyer . I noticed it didn’t have insurance for a 700.00 item so I asked them , if I use your label , if the item gets lost or damaged on the way back , who is responsible for it . The rep said the mail carrier is always responsible . 😂 😂 😂. Uhmmmm hmmmmm, last I checked if there is no insurance no carrier is ever responsible . This rep didn’t even know the basics of shipping . I called in and spoke to another rep and they said if it gets lost or damaged on the way back, ebay would refund the buyer anyway if I used ebays label . So as I thought , even the ebay rep told me to go outside of ebay and purchase the label with insurance . Another great one was when a rep told a buyer that I was confused on the ebay policy about not selling outside of ebay. . . The rep told the buyer , no the seller doesn’t know that she can just cancel the sale , and you can send her money through PayPal . Sellers do it all the time . 😂 😂 😂 Uhmmmm hmmmmm I had to tell the buyer , the ebay rep has no idea what’s she is talking about because a sellers store will be shut down for canceling a sale and sending them my PayPal for direct payment . So here I was telling the buyer NO in an ebay messsge but tje system was sending those auto pop ups blocking the messages and sending me warnings while I was the one saying NO. The buyer sent me part of the transcript of the rep saying to have the seller cancel and use direct PayPal. The reps don’t even know their own policy
07-02-2021 05:34 PM
I always thought it was better to call in as they call back fast … BUT YES, it’s so much better with chat as it’s all recorded . The rep I had educated about shipping and insurance , the second rep saw the transcript and did send it to her supervisor to talk with her and coach her more . it ticked off the second rep who saw it as he could see the misinformation that was so poor and Unknowledgeable . So yes, ebay looks at them and sends them back to coaching school on policies .
07-02-2021 06:13 PM
Yep, welcome to ebay. Buyers always right and our bank accounts are basically 7-11, someone needs to start a resell site that charges for seller protection that you actually get. I'd jump ship in a heartbeat... I'm already venturing to other places but sadly the market is here, along with endless scammers with multiple accounts. It would help alot if we could at least cancel sales with no repercussions to new members, I knock on wood Everytime I have to a do a transaction with one.
07-02-2021 07:19 PM
That is a great idea . Like insurance , have a separate company provide sellers protection . In the olden days they would have made money on that because in my experience , mail fraud was minuscule so they would make out ahead . But now a days , I am no so sure with ebay advertising 100% carefree buyer refunds guaranteed. It’s sending a message to buyers “ feel free to comment mail fraud “ we will use the sellers money anyway and give you your money back.
07-02-2021 07:28 PM
On second thought , that is what a PayPal did . They were the seller protection.
07-02-2021 07:45 PM - edited 07-02-2021 07:46 PM
It wasn’t that way before with PayPal because PayPal is ethical...
Kiss quote of the century. By the powers invested in me, I hereby disagree with that statement.
07-02-2021 11:36 PM - edited 07-02-2021 11:40 PM
You may disagree but maybe it’s because I just had no problems with them ever in either store since 2005 with over 9,000 transactions between my large ebay since 2005 that has over 7500 transaction and this account and this smaller one that separate Swarovski from Disney . They always backed me up with everything because of my top rated statuses in my stores and “ golden “ reputation with PayPal and eBay . Maybe you had buyers or ppl reporting you for things you didn’t know about , ebay and PayPal kept behind the scenes records of buyers and sellers reporting accounts for various reasons. Who knows …. I have just had golden experiences with both ebay and PayPal until eBay’s managed payments was forced and what a mess during that and after that with sales disappearing 90% with no logical explanation . It had to do with right after I signed up with managed payments undeniable with track record of sales during the exact same time compared to several years of sales data.
07-03-2021 12:12 AM
That's Great, thank for post
07-03-2021 12:14 AM
YES. exactly😁