04-04-2021 08:06 AM
I recently sold a $25.00 item to a Buyer. During the shipping process I mixed up the items I was shipping and inadvertently sent the buyer another product which although similar and of the same value is not interchangeable. The incorrect product was delivered to the Buyer in 2 days. On the third day, the Buyer filed a Return Request with eBay and I was informed of the issue.
In the Return Request the Buyer stated he wanted the correct product and would be returning the incorrect product. I contacted the Buyer immediately and informed him that I owned the error and apologized profusely. I also informed him I would be happy to ship him the correct product but with eBay’s Automated Returns I was required to refund his original purchase price in full and we would need to do another transaction so I could ship the correct product to him. I also informed him that I would be lowering the price by 20% on the second transaction as a small way of making up for any inconvenience he experienced.
At that point, I thought I had made a credible attempt at good customer service. He would receive the product he wanted at a discount (although a little late), I would eat the loss on the discount and shipping and possibly end up with a satisfied customer.
At this point the Buyer went ballistic! He sent this message. “No, that is unacceptable! Not going to pay again, sorry, I already paid for the first item, just ship it as agreed. I will return the wrong ones!”
I immediately messaged him back and explained to him that eBay forces Sellers to issue full refunds (and rightfully so) if an Item Not as Described case is opened and that I didn’t have the choice to keep the original funds and simply replace the incorrect item with the correct item.
That was 2 days ago and I haven’t heard from the Buyer. In the meantime, I attempted to contact him by phone and of course his number is disconnected.
I’m seeking advice on how to proceed and any help would be appreciated! Now after his last response and subsequent refusal to communicate further I’m thinking I’ll probably receive a Negative and I’m concerned that if I proceed with a second transaction in an effort to assure the Buyer he gets what we wanted, he’ll Neg me on that one also out of spite!
Just so know I’m a Top Rated Seller (with a different ID) with 100% positive and no defects. I’d obviously like to keep that intact if possible.
Suggestions desperately sought!
Thanks, G
04-04-2021 08:47 AM
Just refund and add him to your blocked buyers list. You can't make everyone happy.
04-04-2021 08:56 AM
Yes, just proceed as how eBay requires things to be done. You did excellent in admitting error and making it up to buyer by offering discount. There is nothing more you could have done. Perhaps once buyer sees he got refunded and no update on replacement, he will realize the "eBay" way of doing business. As previous poster mentioned, put him on your block list and move one.
04-04-2021 08:57 AM - edited 04-04-2021 08:58 AM
If you are top rated, and accept returns, any less than + feedback should be auto-scrubbed.
Sorry you have a buyer that does not understand how things work.
04-04-2021 09:05 AM
@ucantfindme wrote:At this point the Buyer went ballistic! He sent this message. “No, that is unacceptable! Not going to pay again, sorry, I already paid for the first item, just ship it as agreed. I will return the wrong ones!”
That was 2 days ago and I haven’t heard from the Buyer. In the meantime, I attempted to contact him by phone and of course his number is disconnected.
- Immediate ship the correct product. Enclose a prepaid "return" shipping label from e.g. here (use the buyer's zip code as the ship-from for proper postage; it's OK if sender and recipient are both your address), and let the buyer know.
- Tell the buyer not to use the eBay return label so that their "I already paid for the first item" will remain paid. The return will cancel itself after 15 business days.
- If you have not accepted the automated return and issued an eBay return label, eBay might issue a return label at no cost to you or the buyer after 3 business days; again, don't use that label.
04-04-2021 09:32 AM
At this point, the buyer is out their money and what they ordered. Did they get their money back yet? Was the item expensive?
04-04-2021 09:47 AM - edited 04-04-2021 09:48 AM
per eBay policy they get their money upon return. (unless a seller just refunds) $25
04-04-2021 09:54 AM
On receipt of his retuned item surely you are able to send the correct item and send your buyer a message advising him of dispatch, tracking number and uploading a copy of label used for the most recent dispatch.
You have therefore acted on instructions issued by the buyer.
Case remains open on eBay as refund has not been issued and after the 2nd Package is delivered you can ask eBay to view the messages and that buyer has now received the item he wanted and eBay should close the case without a refund to buyer.
and in the meantime if your buyer escalated the case then surely eBay will view the messages and new label/ tracking and put the case on hold allowing package to get there and once it does close the case without a refund to buyer.
It is in eBay's own interest that buyer and seller manages to work things out and eBay don't have to refund the Final value fees.
Personally I would check this with eBay because I know for a fact that eBay allow this on their platforms in other countries/ regions.
04-04-2021 09:56 AM
@azaz_8302 wrote:
@ucantfindme wrote:At this point the Buyer went ballistic! He sent this message. “No, that is unacceptable! Not going to pay again, sorry, I already paid for the first item, just ship it as agreed. I will return the wrong ones!”
That was 2 days ago and I haven’t heard from the Buyer. In the meantime, I attempted to contact him by phone and of course his number is disconnected.
- Immediate ship the correct product. Enclose a prepaid "return" shipping label from e.g. here (use the buyer's zip code as the ship-from for proper postage; it's OK if sender and recipient are both your address), and let the buyer know.
- Tell the buyer not to use the eBay return label so that their "I already paid for the first item" will remain paid. The return will cancel itself after 15 business days.
- If you have not accepted the automated return and issued an eBay return label, eBay might issue a return label at no cost to you or the buyer after 3 business days; again, don't use that label.
And if the buyer decides to keep both items, and not use the label the the seller pays for?????
Then seller is out the second item, and the additional postage. Seller is not dealing with a happy buyer.
To me, following eBay policy/procedures is the better path.
04-04-2021 12:38 PM
@ucantfindme wrote:“No, that is unacceptable! Not going to pay again, sorry, I already paid for the first item, just ship it as agreed. I will return the wrong ones!”
For the minimum risk @ucantfindme you should follow the buyer's wishes.
- Your buyer promised "I will return the wrong ones!” already,
- so you should ship the correct product immediately,
- and provide an alternate means for the return.
@azaz_8302 wrote:- Immediate[ly] ship the correct product. Enclose a prepaid "return" shipping label from e.g. here (use the buyer's zip code as the ship-from for proper postage; it's OK if sender and recipient are both your address), and let the buyer know.
- Tell the buyer not to use the eBay return label so that their "I already paid for the first item" will remain paid. The return will cancel itself after 15 business days.
- If you have not accepted the automated return and issued an eBay return label, eBay might issue a return label at no cost to you or the buyer after 3 business days; again, don't use that label.
You've already decided to pay for return shipping, plus take 20% off and pay to ship the correct product, so you're willing to take a loss. You can come out reasonably unscathed on the other side of your wrong item shipped situation if you do as the buyer asks.
Otherwise, you increase your chances for dire consequences
- if you simply refund and walk away, or
- if you let the in-progress return play out for a refund, without providing the correct product, or
- if you refund and force the buyer ti buy again.
04-04-2021 12:47 PM
The phone number was disconnected?
Report the buyer's account for invalid contact information.
Buyer's account goes Poof! for a few days.
All you can tell them is you have to follow the eBay rules, you're sorry about the mistake but eBay requires me to do X Y and Z.
04-04-2021 05:22 PM
@ucantfindme I'm actually really surprised at some of the responses you are receiving on here because they show that many sellers either simply do not understand how the return process works on this platform or are living in a world where they honestly believe they can circumvent the return process for this platform.
The return process on here is all automated. You cannot accept the returned item and then not refund him just because you shipped the correct item separately. The original return would still need to be refunded on. There is no person who will review this case, it is all automated. Once tracking shows anything has been returned to you, if you do not issue the refund then eBay will do it for you and you will receive a demerit.
Your buyer has apparently opened an INAD since that's really the only option for him because he didn't receive the item he purchased. In that case he will be refunded in total regardless of whether he returns the correct item or not. That's the policy on here, buyers always win INAD returns. So it makes no difference for you to wait until he ships back the original item to send him a replacement, if you do not issue a full refund even if he sends you his dirty sneakers then eBay will take that refund out of your account. That's how the automated process works on here.
I would suggest you wait until you get back whatever you get back, then issue a full refund and be done with this buyer. Offering to create another transaction was a good gesture on your part, and the correct thing to do, but your buyer seems very upset over this so the chances of a second issue seem too high to take that chance.
Also buyers are not allowed to leave negative FB if they have returned their item and received a full refund, so if he does so anyways you can get that removed and be done with him. As long as you stop dealing with him ONCE the original transaction return has been completed, then you will be fine. Best of luck to you....
04-04-2021 10:28 PM
@lamber9347 wrote:The return process on here is all automated. You cannot accept the returned item and then not refund him just because you shipped the correct item separately. The original return would still need to be refunded on.
How much time are buyers given to ship returned items?
When buyers are sent an eBay-generated return label, the return is closed if the label is not printed within 10 business days. If the buyer prints the label, we allow the return to remain open an additional 5 business days to ensure shipping scans are captured.
After that, the return automatically closes with no refund if the return label is never used.
@lamber9347 wrote:Your buyer has apparently opened an INAD since that's really the only option for him because he didn't receive the item he purchased. In that case he will be refunded in total regardless of whether he returns the item or not.
How much time are buyers given to ship returned items?
When buyers are sent an eBay-generated return label, the return is closed if the label is not printed within 10 business days. If the buyer prints the label, we allow the return to remain open an additional 5 business days to ensure shipping scans are captured.
After that, the return automatically closes with no refund if the return label is never used.
@lamber9347 wrote:Also buyers are not allowed to leave negative FB if they have returned their item and received a full refund
Oceanfront property in Arizona.
04-04-2021 10:38 PM