09-30-2018 12:29 PM
Search: Yamaha TF1 FM (that's a one)....today you see 2 items
Search: Yamaha TF1 (that's a one)....today you see 20 items
The problem is that searching: yamaha TF1 DOES NOT FIND the 2 items in Yamaha TF1 FM. It should show 22 items and include those 2 items.
No filters are set and I've reproduced on two IPADs with Safari and Google as well as windows 10 with Edge and Google
09-30-2018 01:38 PM
This behavior is a result of eBay's implicit category search. The more general a search is, the more likely it is to be limited to some default category chosen by eBay.
A search for "Yamah TF1" (without quotes) defaults to the "Live & Studio Mixers" category, and finds 20 results.
A search for "Yamaha TF1 FM" (without quotes) defaults to "All Categories", and finds 2 results, both of which happen to be outside of the mixer category (which is why they were not found in the first search).
If you want to bypass the implicit category search, you can run the search, and then manually choose "All Categories" and run the search again, or you can try adding a nonsense exclusion term to your search such as "Yamaha TF1 -xyzxyz" (without quotes) which returns 60 results in "All Categories".
09-30-2018 02:05 PM
09-30-2018 03:23 PM