05-15-2023 07:45 PM
I am still receiving this error. Opening a new thread, because the original thread was closed:
This error was reported in 2021 and never fixed.
05-27-2023 12:47 PM
Same here.
09-30-2023 10:15 PM
Error threads from 2021 and they haven't fixed it two years later, incredible.
11-26-2023 12:40 PM
Same! So frustrating! I just spun my wheels for an hour trying to find a solution to no avail. I have a buyer ready to pay and there's nothing I can do to sell this item to that buyer!
01-09-2024 09:47 PM
Same... 2024. Way to go ebay. Keeping it real
01-09-2024 11:28 PM
and still not fixed
01-23-2024 11:03 AM
1/23/2024 Same error still happening after only one offer was sent.
Reported to eBay in 2021, 2022, 2023...
Please fix this.
02-07-2024 02:53 PM
Still happening.
For me it's when I have already sent an offer, and it expires, and then I get a message from that buyer, and try to send another offer through the message.
02-26-2024 12:19 AM
I too am having this error in 2024. Come on eBay, you make enough money off of all of us! Fix the dang issue.
08-29-2024 01:21 AM
4 years later and this is still happening. Unbelievable. Actually perfectly believable. I've been selling on this sight for 20+ years and just when I think they can't get any worse they surpass it.