08-10-2024 10:24 AM
I sell mostly used clothing and include a locator number in my item descriptions. Now I need to do a search for all items in, e.g., CB-9-24-16, but the search in item description feature is gone. I use it all of the time when doing an inventory or looking for a listing that mysteriously "disappears," so it's a disaster for me.
Anyone else having this problem or know a work around?
08-10-2024 11:33 AM
I still see the option to search within listings on the Seller Hub Listings page. If you do not, it is possible that eBay is testing something new with certain accounts. It might still be worth trying a different browser to rule out a browser display issue, though.
Try using this link to see if it loads correctly for you:
If that loads, try bookmarking the link to use again as a starting point for new searches. Try some different keywords to make sure it works for you.
If that does not work, as a very clunky workaround, you can try searching your listings the way a buyer might, using a link like this:
I did not see any results with your original keyword, so I tried a different keyword that produced results for that latter search.
08-10-2024 11:35 AM
Could you use the SKU? I use my sku for location.
08-10-2024 04:09 PM
I usually search by UPC in the description, so I am right there with you. This is costing me a LOT of time.
The current solution is to go to your store page, as if you were a customer, and you can search your term there and it *should* bring up any items with that in your description. That's how I'm managing for the time being.