99% probability it's a false positive and needs to be taken up with Malwarebytes.
Did MB update overnight between the time you last visited eBay and when the block occurred?
(If it did, and there was an overly aggressive heuristic incorporated in the update, it could be false flagging on eBay.co.uk Then again, Malwarebytes could be catching a zero-day with a brand new heuristic or fingerprint that none of the other 100 scanners do. Possible but very unlikely.
Trojan detections like this are usually heuristic based and the program says "well 4 bytes in that script are similar to 4 bytes detected in a trojan last year and it looks kinda sorta similar so going to make the call and say this new script is a trojan" because the sensitivity is set too low. False positives which are generally corrected by the Antivirus makers within a day or 2 after the reports start coming in.
www.ebay.co.uk/I saw nothing suspicious offhand when doing a quick visual scan of the site load sequence (didn't look at the source of all the scripts).
I don't run any real-time Antivirus suite so can't help there
🙂Hybrid Analysis finds nothing so far*
https://www.hybrid-analysis.com/https://www.hybrid-analysis.com/sample/f2f18be8d5decdb17520e0788978e88bcb3f9d3dc62e42bba6db6ad76fc4a...*initial scan shows 0 out of 31 detections but the deep analysis is at the bottom of a huge queue waiting to be processed at the moment.
VirusTotal shows 0 out of 67 detections as of 2018-09-26 04:49:14 UTC (about 8 hours before your visit)
A re-analysis just now (2018-09-26 21:20:37 UTC) shows 0 out of 69 detections of anything malicious again.
https://www.virustotal.com/#/url/7ee87b7ae0239aec0a30684b38236ad923699154fc3014480bfa519400e68660/de...Nothing here either
https://app.webinspector.com/public/reports/88470719The interwebs via a google search for "malwarebytes ebay" or "ebay trojan" shows nothing.
If you were visiting some specific location on ebay.co.uk and not just the homepage when the block occurred (you didn't mention that and not shown in your screenshot), then that's another can of fish. These scanners (and your Malwarebytes) don't bore down and inspect every file and function on an entire website - only the specific file or the files for a page they are told to.
If that is the case then you need to be more specific.