07-08-2021 06:32 PM
When a seller is preparing a shipment via the "Ship your order" page (https://gslblui.ebay.com/gslblui/single/############-############), and they choose to add ShipCover Insurance, the following text appears ... "By checking this box you acknowledge that you've read and accepted the terms of coverage for ShipCover insurance, including the limitation of coverage, and that you've read and understood the surplus lines notice". When the user clicks on "terms of coverage for ShipCover insurance" it goes to this URL ... https://pages.ebay.com/insurance/shipping/coverage.html#notinsure
However, if the user chooses to add USPS Insurance to this order, the following text appears ... "Learn more about rates and exclusions for USPS Insurance". When the user clicks upon "rates and exclusions", they're taken to the identically-same URL as for ShipCover ... https://pages.ebay.com/insurance/shipping/coverage.html#notinsure
Please fix this ASAP, because I'm fairly certain a seller would be unable to say they read USPS's rates & exclusions. You might also run the text "by checking this box..." past your legal team, because that text appears after the seller has chosen both an insurance provider AND a coverage amount, not to mention the same checkbox is used for both ShipCover & USPS, and USPS's text says nothing about reading nor accepting terms of service. 😁