04-07-2021 12:49 AM
As of 4/6/21, search function does not work properly as it does not "search in description" as it usually does.
04-07-2021 07:03 AM
That seems to be working for me in Firefox.
What browser are you using? Try another, particularly if you are using Safari. You might also try your search using the Advanced Search page; that page may work differently than the usual search results page.
Some Safari users have been complaining that search filters have not worked since the last Safari update.
04-07-2021 08:11 AM - edited 04-07-2021 08:12 AM
Yes definitely try another browser but there has been several search issues that started happening over the weekend
04-08-2021 12:57 AM
I've got the same problem. It's not a browser issue as I have the same problem with Chrome and also Firefox, which I keep as a 'clean' browser with no cookies etc.
I use the search description option as a seller to search my active (automatically renewing) buy-it-now listings by original listing date as I have the original date at the end of all my listings. Unfortunately it only seems to be searching the first 6 lines or so of the item description.
04-08-2021 09:51 AM
I'm pretty sure it's not the browser issue. I've tried Chrome, Firefox and Edge - none worked. 😞
04-08-2021 10:10 PM
My sales have been going like gangbusters for the past month. Then in the last few days, crickets. I checked view counts -- where normally I have dozens of views on the first day, I am now seeing low numbers like 8 and 10 after more than two days.
Having gone through this a few times in the past 20 years, I immediately checked the title/description search because it is usually the culprit. Did random searches for terms from my own descriptions. Got "0" results again and again. No question, it's broken. And now, so is my sales streak.
04-08-2021 11:20 PM
Same problem here...another Glitch.
04-09-2021 02:14 PM
I wonder if eBay is aware of this glitch or not..... Do they keep an eye on the discussion board?
04-09-2021 03:26 PM
I know one of the eBay community folks was tagged in another thread about problems with searching sold or completed items previously, and she said she passed the info along to the tech folks.
Since then I have also tagged her in another thread relating the search of item descriptions to the other search problems and she has responded that she has passed that to the proper team.
04-10-2021 09:46 PM
It has been five days....... still not working.
04-11-2021 02:08 PM
Searches that were giving me problems seem to be working again now.
04-11-2021 08:25 PM
@igifteria wrote:It has been five days....... still not working.
Checked today and description search is still not working...seems to affect newer listed items more.
04-17-2021 12:53 PM
I guess eBay has no intention of fixing this glitch....
04-17-2021 04:30 PM - edited 04-17-2021 04:32 PM
I'm feeling the same frustration. I call Customer Service every other day. I keep asking when this will be fixed and do my utmost to impress upon them just how devastating this search failure is to sales. If the search engine does not index/assimilate the description field, or report results from title/description searches, a huge portion of potential buyers are prevented from finding/seeing/buying our items. Also, it leaves those customers with the false impression that what they want can't be found on eBay. We're all losing sales, eBay is losing its final value fees, and a good many buyers are going away unsatisfied, perhaps unlikely to return.
Based on other threads I have seen in this forum, I believe the title/description search bug is also decreasing views of promoted listings and messing with people's saved searches.
The only hope I have is that I have seen this particular problem occur a couple times in the past. eBay fixed it then. I'm hoping eBay fixes this now. In the meantime, I will keep calling. I hope everyone who reads this calls too.
04-27-2021 05:18 PM
After 3 weeks, it's finally fixed!