06-25-2021 08:26 AM
"Looks Like Something is Wrong. Please try again"- Message is received when I try to create a listing or edit an existing listing. The issue started last night, but seemed to clear up this morning. Then about 2 hours ago, I started experiencing the same problem. Currently, I am unable to create listings or edit existing listings.
06-27-2021 01:03 PM
Same issue here. All afternoon I have been trying to list items and all I get is the message "www.ebay.com refused to connect." Pretty frustrating... Seems like it is affecting the USA. Ebay needs to get it fixed soon.
06-27-2021 01:59 PM
Signed out and signed in again and was able to list an item. Seems to be working again for next listing. Something happens while listing that screws up the server recognizing you are logged into your account.
Have been noticing lately that I am being asked to log in more than usual as I move around my account/store/seller page. Wondering if there is a connection.
06-27-2021 02:00 PM
I am having same issue. Started on the 26th. I also clicked multiple listing to see if it would allow me to get on listing page-yep it did. Never used it before but maybe that's the route I will have to take to post my items
06-28-2021 09:14 AM