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SOLVED. Avoiding excessive CAPTCHA challenges.

Not applicable

I was being challenged before login, after login, and prevented from logging out without responding to a third challenge.  The window would close but I remained connected to my account.

Last night, as I was in the twilight before falling asleep, it occurred to me that I hadn't tried without NordVPN in the loop.  This morning, I disconnected from the VPN and the obnoxious behavior went away.  Then I reconnected to the VPN and immediately the wonky behavior returned.

This solution works for me.  It may work for you if you're being frustrated by excessive CAPTCHA challenges. 

Good Luck.

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Re: SOLVED. Avoiding excessive CAPTCHA challenges.

eBay "management" seems to have nothing better to do than to force us to waste our time with this type of idiocy.

22 years I've put up with them, and they are still, to be totally blunt, MORONS!!!!!!


Message 2 of 10
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Re: SOLVED. Avoiding excessive CAPTCHA challenges.

So by annoying you and forcing you to turn off you VPN can they now tack more personal data and collect it and sell it to their partners like facebook?

Message 3 of 10
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Re: SOLVED. Avoiding excessive CAPTCHA challenges.

morrons or a purposely engineered glitch that works out in their favor? Net neutrality laws that were over turned blocked a lot of their current issues /scams.

Message 4 of 10
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Re: SOLVED. Avoiding excessive CAPTCHA challenges.

I mean I get why having a VPN would cause problems. If you constantly have different IPs and locations showing that could cause red flags.

Also just as a FYI I am sure you already know, but Nord VPN was hacked recently. I forget what all happened though since I don't use them.
Message 5 of 10
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Re: SOLVED. Avoiding excessive CAPTCHA challenges.

Don't be so liberal and dim.
Message 6 of 10
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Re: SOLVED. Avoiding excessive CAPTCHA challenges.

I have a Solution.


The solution given above is nonsense. 


Besides this is a Firefox issue, not an eBay issue or VPN issue - not unless your switching servers a lot,

then yes Excessive Captchas will happen even on Google.


I have been dealing with this on Firefox for months on end. I would not have to try and ''verify'' myself (ridiculous) once when going to eBay, then again at the login screen. I figured out a Temporary workaround until I could look into this further because I could not even see the Captchas. Firefox has included ''Browser Fingerprinting Protection'' that does not even really work. On top of that they have also ''disallowed'' Java Plugins, this is why some people can't even see the Puzzle. I'll offer my Solution to that as well - but to STOP this madness Step 1: Type about:config into the address bar, press ''accept the risk to continue" (it's normal people go in all the time to alter settings. I also reccomend you Bookmark this page BTW in case you ever for some reason chose to switch the following option back. Step 2: Type privacy.resistFingerprinting into the search bar in about:config (not the address bar). Step 3: Put the mouse over privacy.resistFingerprinting it should be in BOLD, and set to ''true'', double tap it to set it to false. Done. RESTART THE BROWSER and that's it.


You may have to ''Clear Cookies / Browsing History'' for you to Login normally. As of Firefox 72.0 this is Tested and working.

Be careful of too many ad blockers, cookie deleters etc. If you have them disable them on eBay if necessary, but you should not have too. I thought those Firefox addons were the problem, it's not it's Firefox.

As far as not seeing Captchas goes - if you don't want to try the ''about:config" fix - which is a complete fix.

Do this for a partial fix. When a Puzzle comes up for you to Solve... in order for you to ''verify'' yourself, hit the Icon that next to the lock in the address bar that looks like a Puzzle/Lego piece. A dialog box surfaces from that area - allow HTML.5 (please remember decision) or not accept.

The problem is although if you refresh your Browser tab on the Verify page and see the Puzzle to solve - that even if you tick the remember this option it will not remember this and always ask. And more notably so if you clean / clear your Browsing History regularly.

Shame on Firefox for fake protecting anyone at all, and eBay which is the only site ou t of 1,000's of websites this even ever happens on.


Good luck.

Message 7 of 10
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Re: SOLVED. Avoiding excessive CAPTCHA challenges.

Kind of defeats the whole purpose of a VPN if you have to turn it off and let google/captcha access your info.

Message 8 of 10
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Re: SOLVED. Avoiding excessive CAPTCHA challenges.

Sounds like google/Captcha wants to get into the VPN business and are stamping out the competition. WHY would anyone using a VPN want Google able to access their info?
Message 9 of 10
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Re: SOLVED. Avoiding excessive CAPTCHA challenges.

For all we know, eBay may be getting some sort of Bonu$ for implementing Google Captcha snooping on their site. It should be SHUT DOWN, as invasive and abusive. Can't even access PayPal because of Google Captcha EVIL nonsense.
Message 10 of 10
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