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ReCAPTCHA Login Firefox C'Mon~

Firefox ESR 60.9.0esr, Debian Buster, Linux 4.19.0-6-amd64

Some coder as of yesterday thought he would implement the ReCAPTCHA from Google to verify I'm not a Bot on login and log-out.

The horrible culprit is privacy.resistFingerprinting setting @ Yes.

I can only imagine the amount of traffic that has been pushed away.

Good idea to contact Google and ask how much has the increase been and the success rate of the puzzles..

Probably best for your minions to look over there code and change this back.

It will impact everything. I'm concerned over the level of knowledge the programmers have if they believe a horrible time wasting catchpa will solve any issues they are having.

Attention: @community_team  tyler@ebay

Message 1 of 43
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Re: ReCAPTCHA Login Firefox C'Mon~

Firefox 69.0.3, Fedora 30, Linux 5.3.6-200-x86_64
Same issue here. Everything worked fine yesterday. Today I attempt to log in to add an item to my saved cart and am presented with a google recaptcha that simply doesn't work.
I will not use spyware masquerading as a browser (chrome) or disable privacy protecting features in Firefox. So, until this is fixed, I'm not using ebay. =(
Message 2 of 43
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Re: ReCAPTCHA Login Firefox C'Mon~

I had that too. First, I did the CAPTCHA game to log in then it took me back to the same CAPTCHA page to log in again! Opened a new window and saw I was logged in. Then logging out I had to do the same thing again, but I didn't, instead I just closed the browser and ccleaner deleted the login cookies.

It was another ebay glitchy day.

Today, no problem..

Posting ID
Message 3 of 43
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Re: ReCAPTCHA Login Firefox C'Mon~

It's worse than that for me. I don't get to play the recaptcha game in the first place. Mine just does this:

Message 4 of 43
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Re: ReCAPTCHA Login Firefox C'Mon~

Firefox 70.0


I am not having this issue...thank God...🙄

Message 5 of 43
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Re: ReCAPTCHA Login Firefox C'Mon~

Same ReCAPTCHA issue using Fire fox 70.0 for MAC (the newest version for Mac).

It showed up also when you sign out.


Tried via Safari. It worked normally, no ReCAPTCHA issue.

However, I use always Firefox and this is really inconvenience.

Message 6 of 43
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Re: ReCAPTCHA Login Firefox C'Mon~





Am i just lucky?  Not that I am complaining or anything...😁


I wonder why it's not happening to me?

Message 7 of 43
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Re: ReCAPTCHA Login Firefox C'Mon~



If you are stuck at a new sign-in page and you are looking for a workaround, try this:


Delete everything in the URL after the .dll part, so that the address looks like this:


Then hit 'enter' to load that page -- that should give you the old pre-Facebook sign-in. Once you have signed in there, if eBay gives you another new sign-in page, click on the eBay logo to go to the main page -- you should be signed in at that point.

Message 8 of 43
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Re: ReCAPTCHA Login Firefox C'Mon~

The login link will work thanks @eburtonlab to login with that you have provided with the privacy.resistFingerprinting setting @ Yes.

No catchpa.


Logging out the catchpa shows itself again. Half way there I guess thanks.

I do use the webextension cookie auto delete.


I'm guessing they are having issues with the Tor network. The default setting for privacy.resistFingerprinting setting is Yes I believe in the Tor browser.


Where is the support???

Message 9 of 43
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Re: ReCAPTCHA Login Firefox C'Mon~

eBay Staff (Alumni)

Hi everyone - 


This is something that's currently being reviewed by the Tech team. I've included the ids of folks that reported encountering this. Thanks!

Message 10 of 43
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Re: ReCAPTCHA Login Firefox C'Mon~



Logging out the catchpa shows itself again. Half way there I guess thanks.


I have not yet encountered the Captcha on sign-out.


When signing out, once you get to that Captcha page, what happens if you click on the eBay logo, or just go to Do you see the "sign in" link in the upper left corner of the page, or does it say "Hi [firstname]"? If the former, that would indicate that you are already signed out, and you can most likely ignore the Captcha and just close the browser tab. If the latter, you are still signed in until you complete the Captcha, apparently [If both messages appear, you are in some sort of limbo state].

Message 11 of 43
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Re: ReCAPTCHA Login Firefox C'Mon~

I can now login on IE11, but it's stupid.

Takes me to a captcha thing, then I get an error on my password and have to re-enter that and then it lets me login.

Pain in the rear.
Message 12 of 43
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Re: ReCAPTCHA Login Firefox C'Mon~

I leave the defunct Check-mark in the Keep me logged in box.

Yes I'm still logged in as long as the eBay tab is open.

If I close the eBay tab and peruse a couple sites then the webextension Cookie AutoDelete removes the cookie.

The session is still floating around at eBay if you want it though. 🙂

Message 13 of 43
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Re: ReCAPTCHA Login Firefox C'Mon~

@mr2dave0480 wrote:

It's worse than that for me. I don't get to play the recaptcha game in the first place. Mine just does this:


That's bizarre! 

Like a hack to ebay or the lithium boards.


I just had it reoccur today again on this posting ID. I'm glad it's not on my selling or buying accounts. Changing all my passwords, nonetheless, with all the phishing websites and all.

Posting ID
Message 14 of 43
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Re: ReCAPTCHA Login Firefox C'Mon~

Just because you can not identify the images of all the bridges does not mean you are a bot!!!! What if you are a troll and have only seen the underside of bridges!!!

Message 15 of 43
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