06-04-2023 09:09 PM
Can we get a clear answer on this? My auctions were not viewable for a huge chunk of june 2 and caused items to sell for below average prices, are we being punished for defects if we cancel those?
06-05-2023 11:14 AM
I don't see that happening. Auction format does not have a guaranteed outcome so they shouldn't be listed at a starting price lower than you're willing to accept.
Descriptions had a major issue, but listings were still visible and buyers could place bids and ask questions.
06-05-2023 04:45 PM
Wait a minute.. I paid to have an auction up for 24hours... I only received value for ... maybe 19hours... how can someone place bid when they cant see a description? what questions would they even ask?!
06-05-2023 05:21 PM
Believe it or not, a lot of buyers don't even read the description. As for what questions they would ask would depend on what you're selling. The most obvious question would be, "I can't see the description are you able to send that info to me?" or, "What size is the hard drive, how much memory, how much life left on the battery?" and things like that.
If you want to ask CS whether you can cancel without an out of stock defect there are phone and chat options on this page: https://www.ebay.com/help/contact_us?id=4002&st=10