12-23-2020 03:01 AM
Hey all I had made a couple of sales last week and the buyers did indeed pay, but I still haven’t received a payout yet.
12-24-2020 02:49 AM
Yeah I'm using Chime online bank and got my first couple payouts just fine (still way slower than paypal but I digress), but now my last two payouts are for a lot of money and they also said "payout failed" when you click on the "transactions" tab in the payment area. I don't understand why, but I had ebay call me and said I should expect a phone call from their "back office" within two days and they should be able to fix it. We will see.
I don't mean to complain too much but I objectively cannot trust ebay with my funds from sales anymore because of these issues, so I'll probably just sell somewhere else after this gets resolved.