04-20-2021 04:00 PM
Anyone having issues using PayPal today. I have been trying to pay someone all day and I keep getting: We’re sorry. Things don’t appear to be working at the moment.
04-20-2021 04:29 PM
Yes, i had customer bought from item on Apr 16, he tried many times to pay me but he paypal didn't allow him to do that, he contacting paypal and ebay and both of them didn't fix his problem.
04-20-2021 04:43 PM
I purchased two items in separate transactions today and paid through PayPal without a problem. I used a computer. If you are using the app, try a computer. If you are using a computer, you could try using a different browser.
04-20-2021 04:51 PM
Just made another thread about this haha, but yes it's been going on for me since late last night (past midnight), but I was able to make a purchase earlier (in the evening-ish). Since that earlier purchase though, no luck across two computers and 5 browsers.
04-20-2021 04:57 PM
I have been having the same issue all day. Tried multiple browsers from my desktop and the problem remained. Tried paying through the app on my phone and it finally worked after a dozen+ attempts from my desktop. Last night/early morning I couldn't pay via the app or my laptop. Just keep trying to pay on any possible device you own. Definitely frustrating though.
04-21-2021 09:21 AM
Had no problems yesterday but this morning PayPal will not link...
04-21-2021 09:40 AM
I have issues to. Placed orders on Ebay & go to pay via paypal. Click to pay & get little circle going round as if processing. But nothing happens page just hangs !!
04-21-2021 09:43 AM
I have had the same thing happening to me. Paypal was trying to say it was my bank or credit card company but they have no holds on my account so its something on there end. It was working fine yesterday and then i couldnt use it anymore and kept getting that stupid error
04-21-2021 09:46 AM
I'm glad I'm not the only one having this issue. I can't pay for items because this same message is popping up every time.
04-21-2021 10:05 AM
Click to pay & get little circle going round as if processing. But nothing happens page just hangs !!
I just got a similar spinning ring when trying to check out using Firefox after selecting PayPal as my payment method.
I was able to progress past the spinning ring by opening a private browser window, signing into eBay, going to my cart and starting checkout again and disabling enhanced tracking protection (in Firefox that can be done using the shield icon to the left of the page address). After doing that, the usual PayPal sign-in pop-up appeared and I was able to sign in to PayPal and select payment methods and shipping addresses.
Going back to my usual (non-private) Firefox browser, now when I check out I get the standard PayPal pop-up again, though I did have to sign in to PayPal again.
Possibly something about the checkout process has changed, causing the usual process to hang rather than completing unless a new sign-in is initiated.
04-21-2021 10:51 AM
Same problem.
04-21-2021 02:01 PM
Same issue and I have tried everything. I'm sure Ebay will go and try to make something else on the site better instead of fixing our true issues!
04-21-2021 02:19 PM
Same issue as of 4/21 2pm PDT. Haven't been able to pay a seller for hours now.
04-29-2021 04:18 AM
Same problem here with Firefox - checkout I get the payPal window pop up briefly and close again, then the spinner just goes round and round forever...
Nothing in my setup has changed since it last worked successfully so I'm assuming eBay or Paypal have tinkered with something and bork it.
Web console shows errors:
Error: /graphql returned status 401 buttons:1198:68311
Object { err: "/graphql returned status 401\non/<@https://www.paypal.com/smart/buttons?fundingSource=paypal&style.label=pay&style.layout=horizontal&st...... (removed the rest of this for security)
Object { err: "/graphql returned status 401\non/<@https://www.paypal.com/smart/buttons?fundingSource=paypal&style.label=pay&style.layout=horizontal&st...... (removed the rest of this for security)
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://cas.avalon.perfdrive.com/jsdata?. (Reason: CORS request did not succeed).