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Not receiving daily emails for saved searches

 Anyone encountering similar problems?


I am have been subscribed to receive emails for my saved searches for the past 3 years.  They used to come in at about 9am Pacific daily without fail (I used to get 40+ emails per day for my saved searches). 


A month or so ago the emails started coming in later in the day (at 10pm or so).  For the last 4 days, eBay stopped sending them altogether.  I have not changed my configurations.  Spam folder is empty.  I still get invoices and outbid and "You Won" email notifications but not saved search emails.


Anyone having similar issues?  

Message 1 of 23
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Re: Not receiving daily emails for saved searches


@aunt-marys wrote:

Same here , support offerd a work around, it does not work says its a known issues but no clue if and when it will be resolved. I am buying 90% less because of this.

Go eBay


What's the workaround?

Message 16 of 23
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Re: Not receiving daily emails for saved searches

Here to add to the chorus. I stopped getting email alerts, then got them again, then they arrived late in the day, then back again at 3am. A few days ago they stopped altogether. Then this morning I got 2 of what is usually 12-15. When tech companies fail us because they become big corporations that don't listen, everybody loses.

Message 17 of 23
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Re: Not receiving daily emails for saved searches

My saved search emails stopped about a month ago.  I sent an email to Devin Wenig, who is the CEO of ebay.   I wrote to Mr. Wenig since the regular customer service folks couldn't help.....they can only recite what they've been told to say.


I received a very quick response from Kai Huntington who works in the executive offices.  Kai was very professional and courteous.  Unfortunately, all he can do is relay what he is being told by the technical service department.  Bottom line is that he said this problem affects many ebay users and that it could take 30 - 60 days for it to get repaired.


However, we all know that deadlines for fixes at ebay are almost always passed. As we can see from other postings to this thread, this problem has been going on for a while and "fix" dates don't mean anything, as they are almost always missed at ebay.


I usually get about 200 saved search emails each day (I have about 100 saved searches on each of two ebay accounts).  Now I get none.  What this means is that sellers are losing out, since I can't manually check 200 saved searches every day and rely on these emails to learn of new items that are of interest to me.  So, I am not aware of many items that have been listed on ebay.  As such, the sellers lose.  Since I can't bid if I don't know about an item, I lose.  And, since items will either not sell or sell for less since a large number of customers won't know about these items, then ebay loses.   So sellers, buyers and ebay all lose.  This is a lose-lose-lose situation and ebay has been saying for a year that they will soon fix the problem. 


It is unforgivable that this situation has gone on for so long.   If the stockholders of ebay knew that the company's bottom line is being affected due to saved search emails not going out, there would be a riot at the next shareholder's meeting.   Whoever is responsible at ebay for letting this software bug continue month after month needs to be replaced.   Saved Search emails are probably the No. 1 marketing tool that ebay has, and for this tool to adversely affect about 1/3 of the ebay community is a financial travesty......and heads should roll. 


I've been part of hundreds of computer installations at the bank where I worked for decades.  If we had a problem that affected 30% of our customer base, then the problem would have been addressed and fixed in days.......and no one would get a day off until it was fixed.  At ebay, that's not how things work. At ebay, technicians can do what they want, when they want.  This kind of problem should have a reasonably easy and quick fix.....after all, we all had saved search emails for years.  It's not like they have to develop a new platform from scratch. All they have to do is fix a bug.  It just isn't that complicated. If ebay can't fix such a major, major problem in a very short period of time, they need to hire competent consultants who can.  The only word I can think of is "pathetic".   Yes, what ebay is allowing to happen here is truly pathetic.   Read the threads are losing lots of money here. And so are your sellers and buyers.  Get off your lazy butts and fix this problem TODAY!

Message 18 of 23
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Re: Not receiving daily emails for saved searches

M,y saved emails searches have been working again since April 2018.
I hope they keep on working!
Message 19 of 23
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Re: Not receiving daily emails for saved searches

Well.....I decided that waiting 30 - 60 days was too long to wait for this problem to get fixed, if they even fix it at all.....after all, some people have been waiting since April.  So, I sent an email yesterday to every member of the  ebay board of directors.   Although no one responded, the problem with my emails was fixed by the time I woke up this morning!  Coincidence?  I think not!  So, maybe this is an approach everyone should take.  Write to the Board of Directors and let them know how much money ebay is losing out on because buyers don't receive emails and therefore don't know to bid on certain items.   Amazaing...the email went out yesterday afternoon and by 8:00 AM my saved search emails were  in my inbox!! 

Message 20 of 23
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Re: Not receiving daily emails for saved searches

Hello. I saw your post. I am tired of getting saved searches in Ebay once a day. So you get your ebay searches once an hour from your RSS Client instead of once a day? Did you find a way to receive them more than once an hour? Also did you use Inrust to set this up for you?



Message 21 of 23
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Re: Not receiving daily emails for saved searches

Yes, just add "&_rss=1" to the url and you have got an RSS feed.


I'm not sure if the feed itself is updated once an hour or not. I set my rss client (Liferea) to scan for updates every 3 hours.

Message 22 of 23
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Re: Not receiving daily emails for saved searches

Appreciate the help. Great workaround.
Message 23 of 23
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