02-13-2017 11:03 AM
For several days now I have not received emails on either my relistings or new listings. Anyone else having this problem. It occurs about once a year with me and it's senseless to call as they always say it it something on my end. Amazingly within a few days normally it is fixed. Maybe someone from ebay scans these messages...hopefully so. Otherwise I'll need to call once again.
02-13-2017 12:51 PM
eBay has been having alot of problems for a few months now.
I would say that you are not alone and that the problem will fix its self by tomorrow. However, i read another post that stated: a member did not get messages for over a week and a half, but got other messages during that time....
I have no idea what is going on with eBay, but i do know that they need to fix ALOT of problems.
02-13-2017 03:49 PM
Thank you for your interest, I'm hoping for the best...
09-02-2017 12:37 PM
As of 8/2/17 I've received no emails re sold, ended or relisted items. Frustrating - I've made 3 calls to eBay and as usual no response. No return calls as promised - its as if I don't exist. Let me late shipping once in 4 years and I'll hear from them!!!!!!!!!
In reviewing the replies this apparantly happens several times a year - guess nothing to do but wait it out. Grrrrrrrrrr