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New Saved Searches page

I just got a load of the new saved searches page and I have to say ebay has outdone itself on this one - what a horrible design and complete mess!   It looks like a page for idiots.   Why do they feel the need to change things that are just fine the way they are?  I actually deleted all of my saved searches because I cannot stand looking at that mess.  Ebay is slowly losing me as a user - really been going downhill for the past several years now.

Message 1 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page

Agreed, it's the dog's breakfast, of useless information that is not needed..!


I know what it looks like, the item I am searching for, I do not need a picture of it.


What I want is a simple to use, list of what my searches are, just like it was just a few days back, this one today is utterly useless.


KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID rules needs to be applied here, all the "engineers" coming up with these moronic changes to prove that their jobs are required, are just pointless efforts to justify wasting more of my time having to endlessly click thru pages to find information that used to be readily available on the first f-page.


For the love of all that is holy, STOP! with these changes, it doesn't need to look "good", it needs to function in the quickest amount of time, as to not waste my time.


What ever idiot approved this needs to be thrown out the door!

Message 2 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page

For one alternative way to reach your saved searches, go to your feed page and click on the number of saved searches at the top. That should reveal a drop down text list in four columns of your saved searches.


Message 3 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page

I completely agree. What could be simpler and faster than just a straight list of saved searches in an alphabetical order. Why would adding pictures help?  If I put something on my saved searches, then I know what it would look like!  A large picture taking up space does nothing but take up space. And, now there are three columns, so I have to look left and then right and then left and then right.  What a waste of time. And, it defaults to "newest searches".  Why would I want to have to remember the date order I put the search on to find it? For me, I prefer that the search should be in alphabetical order like it was before. I know I can change the drop down box to alphabetical, but when I then click on something and go to the results, and when I'm done and go back to the saved search page again, it's back at most recent, and I AGAIN have to click on ALPHABETICAL.    Does anyone know of any way of getting the old list back?  I don't want to have to click on  my Feed every time I want to look at my saved's an extra step and the three columns  take longer.  Of all the changes that the ebay coders have made, this has got to be one of the dumbest!  Ebay, what the heck were you thinking!

Message 4 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page

I also posted about this terrible new look they have done. Will they listen to us? ..... NO!

Message 5 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page

Not applicable

Ebay needs to leave things alone! Running me away too! Horrible site!

Message 6 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page

I agree this new saved searches page is a TOTAL mess.  And they decide what auction to show in the gigantic image for each search.  Bring back the old.  
I guess this is to force people ot go back to having a list on paper and just typing in the search each day,  I hate this new list.  What is wrong with you people on eBay?

Message 7 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page

Absolutely HATE it! I guess Ebay page developers have never heard the old adage "If it ain't broke don't fix it."


Message 8 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page

How do we get it back to the way it was?   We don't get a choice? 

Message 9 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page

Ebay must think we're children or idiots that we need pictures to go by. Do the Ebay page developers not have anything else to do but muck up what's working fine for users?

Message 10 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page

Who at Ebay decided that a simple, perfectly-functioning Saved Searches list in alphabetical order wasn't working for them? Some of us - many of us - went to a lot of trouble to create those lists in the look and order that suited us best. 


Message 11 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page

There is a link on the new and unimproved search page "tell us what you think".  I did so in no uncertain terms "Simply awful, terrible, couldn't be worse".  I also stated that it defaults back to "date added" and not alpha order.  I was thinking last year of selling some items but my eyes fell out of my face when I saw the fees.  


Use that "what do you think" link and let your comments fly.  The new search page has certainly changed my "user experience" and it's not an improvement.  This may be the final straw for driving me away.  Great job!

Message 12 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page

 This new format for saved searches is quite likely enough to stop me even checking for things to buy and that cannot be what eBay envisioned.

Please give me the list back as it was, just a list. I did not mind the tiny picture.

At least give us a choice of how we want our list to be set up.

I don't have time to look at all those pictures. Plus changing list from "date added" to "alphabetical "does not stick.

Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.
~ John Lennon ~
Message 13 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page

New look, better experience

Check out the latest inventory from your saved searches.


Trying to find the "my feed" as mentioned below to try and streamline the saved search function.  The two lines above popped up.  May I suggest an edit?


New look, an experience that will have you throwing your coffee cup, kicking the cat, foaming at the mouth and banging your head against the wall.

Check out the latest moronic change we have made to your saved searches.

Message 14 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page

I also left feedback asking them to either revert the change, or add a grid/list view select option the same as they provide elsewhere.


I've got to say that eBay appear to hire morons either as UI designers and/or coders. I've lost count of how many times over the years they've made changes that are LESS functional and LESS ergonomic than what they replaced.


With the old list view it was a simple matter to run down the list and left click "open in new tab". With this grid view I have to zig zag left-right and up-down across the screen to each search. How is all this zig-zagging across the screen meant to be a user-interface improvement ?!!!


To make it even worse they sort by "date added" vs name (and revert to this default every time you load the page) so you can't even control the order of the grid and have to squint around as well as zig-zag around the grid to find the search you were looking for. It's as if someone redesigned the page to make it "pretty" without a single second's thought put into how people actually USE it.


The people they hurt most with these changes are the people who use ebay the heaviest and have a lot of saved searches that they use frequently (many times a day for me). Way to go, eBay, to alienate your users.




Message 15 of 80
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