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Most recent feedback is 6 months old

My feedback page is messed up, it's only showing entries that are 6 months old or older.  It also shows that I've left no feedback for buyers.

Message 1 of 62
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Most recent feedback is 6 months old

I'm experiencing the same issue.

Message 2 of 62
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Most recent feedback is 6 months old

Same! I came to the community page to see if anyone else was experiencing the same thing. Gotta give it to ebay tech support, they sure know how to screw just about every part of their platform up. 🙄

Message 3 of 62
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Most recent feedback is 6 months old

It looks like eBay is making changes to the feedback page. There are now drop-down options to show various types of feedback.


You can still see recent month's feedback received by clicking on the numbers in the table.


Feedback left for others appears blank at the moment, though.


Most likely the changes are not done yet.

Message 4 of 62
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Most recent feedback is 6 months old

Yeah, I agree that eBay's making changes. I'd give it 24-48 hours for the dust to settle, though you may see something more 'normal' by the morning.

Walk without rhythm, it won't attract the worm.
Message 5 of 62
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Most recent feedback is 6 months old

I'm experiencing the same issue. Always messing with things that are just fine, never addressing ongoing issues.......

Message 6 of 62
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Most recent feedback is 6 months old

Lots of things changing today it appears. Why mess the system up at the start of Holiday shopping season ?

Message 7 of 62
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Most recent feedback is 6 months old

Tonight, I went to make sure I'd left all necessary feedback entries for my October purchases. My account shows that I haven't left any feedback comments ever. Every feedback I've ever left about any transaction has disappeared. I wonder if ebay knows their system is haunted for Halloween!

Message 8 of 62
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Most recent feedback is 6 months old

I'm seeing exactly what others have stated. The not showing any of the feedback I have left for the last 20 years is say the least...NOT what I am paying eBay to promote my business !


Get with the program eBay...put it back the way it was and keep your hands off ! 


Message 9 of 62
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Most recent feedback is 6 months old

I have the same issue. Feedback is displaying out of order. The recent comments are still there but if you sort to 12mo or 6 mo it will show the feedbacks out of order. If you scroll down the page you can see different ages on the FB. If you sort to 30 days or click the feedback number for 30 days it displays normally.


I called customer service the rep was able to duplicate the issue and get it reported.

Message 10 of 62
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Most recent feedback is 6 months old

I'm experiencing the exact same issue as of tonight. It's really odd why they seem obsessed with changing things that don't need it!

Message 11 of 62
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Most recent feedback is 6 months old

I noticed for the past month or more I have "out of order" feedback or old feedback showing first. I have noticed some of my "glowing" feedback appearing at the top on mobile/app view.


I think that's kinda a great idea as a seller. I'd like my glowing feedbacks at the top and just ditch the irrelevant menial feedbacks? Maybe AI at work here?


"Good", "great", "ok", "thanks", "👍", i don't mind those getting pushed out of the way for glowing paragraph-long FBs.

Message 12 of 62
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Most recent feedback is 6 months old

11-1-23 445AM Michigan Time


All of my feedback left for buyers is gone, and this is what that looks like. It states that I have not left any but references 82 or more blank pages.  Apparently, I have not left any comments. And yes, the feedback left by buyers is a hot mess. 😞 1ebay feedback left for buyers gone.JPG 

Message 13 of 62
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Most recent feedback is 6 months old

It's the same mess up over on .uk


When I look at my feedback received it's all green now and no sign of the recent grey dot.


To see that I have to directly click on it in the ratings box.


More fiddling while eBay burns.



Message 14 of 62
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Most recent feedback is 6 months old

@jkramer2 interestingly, it looks like whatever eBay is testing here is different depending on how you navigate to the feedback (including different URLs).


For example if i just click on your feedback number under your name here in the community, it takes me to this page which displays they way you are describing - defaulted to 6 months or older and showing no feedback left for buyers.


However, if I go to your store and navigate to "see all feedback" from there or go to one of your items, scroll down to the feedback module on the View Item Page and "see all feedback" from there, both of those take me to this link which still shows your most recent feedback and feedback you've left for others. 

Message 15 of 62
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