09-01-2018 10:27 PM
Since around or on 8/29/18:
- List View no longer shows the Sold Date when searching sold listings. Gallery view does show the Sold Date.
- Gallery View does NOT show the item number. List View does show the item number.
- It used to be if I checked "Sold Listings", the system automatically marked "Completed Listings" with a checkmark. Now, it is either Sold OR Completed.
09-01-2018 10:47 PM
I should have said--
"End Date" is not appearing in List View of search results (instead of "Sold Date").
09-02-2018 12:41 AM
09-04-2018 11:30 PM
Unclear?? Really? I made 2 posts because I originally thought it was called "sold date" but later on I decided it may be called "end date" because it was called end date somewhere else I happened to be in ebay...don't know, can't see into eBay's system.
I'm on a windows 10 laptop, using Chrome.
In List View, at the time I created my "discussion" here (on 9/2 I believe) there was NO "sold date" or "end date" or whatever it is called displaying for SOLD LISTINGS for my search (forget Time Remaining--I'm not concerned with that).
If I clicked on Gallery View, the "sold date", "end date" or whatever it is called WOULD DISPLAY FOR SOLD LISTINGS.
Then on the morning of 9/3, the "sold date", "end date" or whatever it is called began to display again in List View. So I decided there is some combination of something that is causing the date not to display only for certain searches.
So tonight, 9/4, I ran a simple search --
- entered "jeans" in the search field and clicked search. (My default is List View--although sometimes it seems to willy nilly flip between the 2 views.)
- Scrolled down and selected "Sold Listings".
-The "sold date" or "end date" or whatever ebay calls it DOES DISPLAY in List View because my default is ALL LISTINGS. (I assume ALL LISTINGS is the default for every ebay user) .
- Changed the selection to AUCTION, the date continues to display in List View.
- Changing nothing else, I scrolled down and selected "BUY IT NOW". The "sold date" or "end date" or whatever it is called DISAPPEARS (i.e. it NO LONGER DISPLAYS in List View) for me on a Windows 10 laptop using Chrome.
Hopefully that is clearer.
09-06-2018 01:21 AM
You mentioned multiple issues, sold listings, search results, made 2 posts and tossed terms around, and
it became unclear to me what you were referring to. Water under the bridge. Your latest post is very clear.
In Firefox 3.6.24 under WinXP on a desktop, no dates show for any filter combos.Not time remaining on active item results, no end dates or sold dates on sold or completed items. Doesn't matter if all listings, auction, or Buy it now filter engaged.
However, the dates only disappeared using the "old dsc" search pages forced by my Redirector addon rules. When I disabled Redirector and let eBay just do it's thing with the new search pages, not only was the date there on the right where it should be same as when "all listings" or "auction only" filters were engaged, but there was an additional Sold date on top of each result:
URL for the above search:
URL for the "dsc" page search* where I see no dates for any results:
In Firefox 31, I get exactly the same results, except that dates are there for active and completed listings, but not for sold results with the BIN filter engaged (what you are reporting), but ONLY for the old dsc searches forced by Redirector. If I disable redirection and let eBay do search "au natural" using the normal sch search, I get dates on all results, including sold with the BIN filter.
It appears to be browser dependent (as I've been saying is the case for "time remaining" for a year now).
*there appear to be two type of eBay search pages these days - ones with https://www.ebay.com/sch/... and ones with https://www.ebay.com/dsc/... URL prefixes (there always were dsc and sch pages, but I never saw any difference in the past).
Some months ago, eBay changed search, and made the sch variants the "new search" and the default, and left the dsc variant the "old search". If on a dsc page (however you get there - manual URL changes, etc) and you change the search terms and hit the Search button, the new page defaults back to the sch version. Redirector addon rules just intercepts those eBay redirections and slap the URLs back to dsc version. I suspect the dsc pages aren't long for this world, as eBay phases the old search out, but for now prefer it - less bugs and eBay games there, but the "no dates" and no ending time issues in my preferred Firefox 3.6.24 browser.
I did your search for jeans with all parameters stripped from the URL and Redirector turned off (the same seach the average user would perform from the ebay categories page). Got tossed into a category search sort of results page where no dates or times were displayed in the default view. (sort by ending soonest and time remaining appears). Ticked the sold filter and got the two dates per result as shown in my other search in the screenshot above). Ticked the "buy it now" filter - no change. Dates are there. Checked it in Firefox 52, and once again, it doesn't happen.
In summary, I only see the issue you are reporting on "old" dsc search pages, and it is unlikely you are on the dsc version of search. Therefore, browser dependent issue - specifically Chrome.
I assume you want to report it and hope it gets fixed before we grow old, so let's send up a batsignal ----> brian@ebay
09-06-2018 05:35 PM
@berserkerplanet wrote:
You mentioned multiple issues, sold listings, search results, made 2 posts and tossed terms around, and
it became unclear to me what you were referring to. Water under the bridge. Your latest post is very clear.
In Firefox 3.6.24 under WinXP on a desktop, no dates show for any filter combos.Not time remaining on active item results, no end dates or sold dates on sold or completed items. Doesn't matter if all listings, auction, or Buy it now filter engaged.
However, the dates only disappeared using the "old dsc" search pages forced by my Redirector addon rules. When I disabled Redirector and let eBay just do it's thing with the new search pages, not only was the date there on the right where it should be same as when "all listings" or "auction only" filters were engaged, but there was an additional Sold date on top of each result:
URL for the above search:
URL for the "dsc" page search* where I see no dates for any results:
In Firefox 31, I get exactly the same results, except that dates are there for active and completed listings, but not for sold results with the BIN filter engaged (what you are reporting), but ONLY for the old dsc searches forced by Redirector. If I disable redirection and let eBay do search "au natural" using the normal sch search, I get dates on all results, including sold with the BIN filter.
It appears to be browser dependent (as I've been saying is the case for "time remaining" for a year now).
*there appear to be two type of eBay search pages these days - ones with https://www.ebay.com/sch/... and ones with https://www.ebay.com/dsc/... URL prefixes (there always were dsc and sch pages, but I never saw any difference in the past).
Some months ago, eBay changed search, and made the sch variants the "new search" and the default, and left the dsc variant the "old search". If on a dsc page (however you get there - manual URL changes, etc) and you change the search terms and hit the Search button, the new page defaults back to the sch version. Redirector addon rules just intercepts those eBay redirections and slap the URLs back to dsc version. I suspect the dsc pages aren't long for this world, as eBay phases the old search out, but for now prefer it - less bugs and eBay games there, but the "no dates" and no ending time issues in my preferred Firefox 3.6.24 browser.
I did your search for jeans with all parameters stripped from the URL and Redirector turned off (the same seach the average user would perform from the ebay categories page). Got tossed into a category search sort of results page where no dates or times were displayed in the default view. (sort by ending soonest and time remaining appears). Ticked the sold filter and got the two dates per result as shown in my other search in the screenshot above). Ticked the "buy it now" filter - no change. Dates are there. Checked it in Firefox 52, and once again, it doesn't happen.
In summary, I only see the issue you are reporting on "old" dsc search pages, and it is unlikely you are on the dsc version of search. Therefore, browser dependent issue - specifically Chrome.
I assume you want to report it and hope it gets fixed before we grow old, so let's send up a batsignal ----> brian@ebay
Hi @berserkerplanet, I've done several searches in Edge, Chrome, and Opera and am not able to replicate the issue mentioned. The end/sold time shows up for me in all of my searches in both list and gallery view, even when I filter to show Buy It Now listings. I'm unclear how the old search you mentioned would surface unless a redirect tool is used, such as the one you mentioned. Is it possible this is a browser related issue that clearing cache and cookies or updating the browser being used to the latest version may resolve?
09-06-2018 06:04 PM
09-07-2018 04:51 PM
@berserkerplanet wrote:
Hey Brian. brian@ebay
Yes, my forced dsc searches are abnormal, and failures there are not indicative of an issue that requires attention (even I don't expect deprecated software/algorithms to be maintained 🙂
And yes, I can understand that Firefox 3.6.24 can't keep up any longer (not that that will prevent me from continuing to use it as long as I can - it's customized and worn in like a comfortable recliner). Cache and cookies not a factor (tested)
My tag to you was for the OP - he is having the issue doing "normal" searches with Chrome on a Win10 laptop.
Just out of curiosity, what does dsc represent? Directory/folder/variable names are usually informative about function or some other meaning, ie: SCH is a programmer's nick for search. Does dsc have some meaning? (database search, deprecated search, Danish search, etc)
Hi @berserkerplanet, I'm honestly not sure what DSC represents. I will try to find out and if I do get that info I'll be sure to update this thread.
09-07-2018 06:04 PM