09-27-2023 01:53 PM
When I start a fresh listing in a category it will only show me 6 item specifics and then I list that item and the other listing specifics that werent shown or available then show as as needing to complete. i then have to revise the listing to fill out the item specifics that werent available on the original listing page. this has been going on for over a week now.
10-01-2023 01:39 PM
I tried to launch another listing and important IS are still missing.
I opened the active listings previously launched without all IS. The form was complete with all usual IS. I revised the listings.
Since I want to launch as many listings as possible today as planned, I just did a listing without IS, clicked "View" before launching, and all IS were available. I was able to update the listing and do the final launch.
Its a pain in the derriere but apparently the only solution for now.
10-02-2023 10:08 AM
We are clothing sellers and first noticed mid August. Began calling CS mid September. Link below provides a visual of our experience. Item Specifics Draft to Live
A Pig in a Poke
Jennifer & Mas
10-02-2023 12:39 PM
Making progress. Item specifics currently usable for drafts for womens sweaters on laptop. App still not available. Thank you for the progress.
10-02-2023 02:08 PM
Gone again. Item specifics, drafts, laptop, womens sweaters.
10-02-2023 02:45 PM
It appears that item specifics are available on drafts when using the multiple option and not available on the individual or copy option.
10-02-2023 02:55 PM
I am working from computer.
Item specifics for postcards are still missing as of October 2. I am using templates.
If I launch a listing with missing IS, then I can revise it and ad the usual IS. Time consuming.
So now I am using a correctly completed listing and sell similar to ensure all IS I need are included (posted unposted, era, publisher, themes, etc.)
But it is still a huge problem. Not all cards have the same item specifics and it is an open door to errors.
10-04-2023 08:54 PM
Experiencing the same exact problem. I have tried everything recommended I am no doubt losing sales because my items don't have item specifics. It's a huge time suck to go back in after the fact and add the recommended item specifics. I just want to cry.
10-05-2023 08:59 AM
Yes, all items specifics options are still missing. For me it's in the postcards category. The only way I am now launching new listings is by using sell similar from previously correctly listed postcards.
Sell similar is an open door to mistakes, like overlooking or not changing the condition, format, era, etc...
Maybe eBay wants us to stop adding IS? Some clarification on this issue would be very welcome.
10-05-2023 10:50 AM
10-06-2023 11:16 AM
Is there anyway a seller can opt out of the beta test? In the past, sellers had the option to opt in or out. For our specific business, we have seen an impact in units. Our units based on our trend is down 20%; our net sales remains the same because of increased price / unit.
10-06-2023 11:21 AM
That's not an update. That's an excuse. If it was then the item specifics wouldn't show as missing item specifics when item is revised or relisted
10-06-2023 11:28 AM
10-06-2023 11:33 AM
I do not think that there is an opt-out option with this particular test. At least, I have not seen the option available anywhere on my account.
10-08-2023 09:34 PM
Chiming in since I having this issue too.