09-25-2018 10:06 AM
Not sure of where to post this. For the past 2 weeks all of my emails from eBay that an item ended without a sale (and drop by one dollar in hopes it will sell lololol) has nothing but computereez stuff in the body of the email?
Here is what I get after the blue lined title and ebay request to drop the price and relist. And it isn't my cache, it isn't my Chrome. It isn't anything other than another glitch. How do I get this fixed. And all of my items are mobile friendly, all very clean of http html, whatever it is called. Anybody out there who can solve?
&bu=43212413851&loc=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fsl%2Flist%3Fmode%3DRelistItem%26instant%3Dfalse%26src%3Demail%26itemId%3D153152299068%26format%3Dfixed%26bin_price%3D13.95%26sgn%3DAQADAAAAULLLH1Nd8uDPwhBixkT1Qq9eQnYTGel8ClpYOF2%252BaexCtvNSQiTt2yK8gkeYCkyv5XiJQkrpBXZq3uRani0%252F4b%252F6OcFAs6TeF%252FQJBfgAcYZr&sojTags=bu=bu" style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; color: #0654BA; text-decoration:none; text-align: center; font-size: 16px; margin: 0" align="center" width:"100%"> Make Changes myself
09-25-2018 10:57 AM
09-25-2018 12:32 PM
Thanks. Will PM you to get your email addy so I can forward what I have direct to you. All other ebay messages to my personal email, which these unsold notices go to, not ebay messaging program. All the other eBay notices like your item is listed, someone looking at your item in cart, all other ebay notices are normal. Thanks for your help.