03-17-2023 12:50 AM
I have been working away at listings for months - saving them to drafts. I guess I should have been paying attention, but a large amount of my drafts are GONE.... So of course I read this is an ongoing problem AFTER I have the problem - with no warnings from eBay AT ALL. My time lost is just incredible - HUNDREDS OF HOURS. Items were photographed, researched, described, packed for shipment and cataloged on shelves. To re-do those lost listings, all the items have to be unboxed, re-photoed, described..... etc. And even at that some of the info I put into those listings cannot be found again!!! INSANE !!!! I am going to call eBay tomorrow to see what is happening. This is March 17th and most of the drafts I am speaking of were less than 30 days old, some a couple weeks old. The level of loss in terms of time and effort is just too much, this level of depression is massive. From what I read, eBay has been little to no help with people in my position. Just speechless.
03-17-2023 10:45 AM
Well if it makes you feel any better. I'm losing drafts AND I can't sell internationally. System throws out my shipping for Canada (which I live in) and any International destinations. Yesterday I revised more than 80 items and thought it was working. Only to get up this morning and find that it hadn't on most of those revised listings. While it says I DON'T ship to Canada in some cases it shows that I ship to Japan, South Korea and the USA, which BTW my Domestic Shipping Rates takes care of. Absolutely frustrating. Totally messed up List Your Item page. I empathize with you dominiongeneralstore.
03-17-2023 11:56 AM
Yes, I have been calling in about this issue for months. So now I keep my drafts under 100 and it really has slowed me down.
03-18-2023 06:19 AM
Have you heard anything from eBay ? Have you called them ? I am sorry this happened to you ..
04-30-2023 08:49 PM
This happened to me in January 2023. I had to relist all again. Reported to Ebay and was advised I would hear from them. To this day 30th April 2023 not one word as to why it happened or an apology. Because I was not able to list my full allowance asked if I could have additional free listings following month.....again no response. Customer Service for technical issues are message takers only.!