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Dynamic ad rate and promoted listings problem solved (sort of).

For weeks I've been having issues with glitches concerning promoted listings. I can't click on several and switch them all to the "suggested promotional rate" anymore. There was a time when I could. My work around has been to "apply a single ad rate" to all of them and use the suggested ad rate.  It's not ideal, due to them all having different suggested ad rates (and it being slow/tedious), but it works.  I'm also not seeing the ability to switch them all to the new "dynamic ad rate" at the same time.  Somehow I managed to get a few listings to the new dynamic rate, but I can't switch any of the listings that already existed.  


What I figured out is when I'm creating a new ad, not to promote it at the time of listing it. When it asks me if I want to promote it, I say no.  After I've created my new listings, I can then click on "promote listing" and viola, the dynamic ad rate is now available for my newest listings.  I still can't click on more than one and switch them all over, but at least I've found SOMETHING that works.  I'm sure I'm not the first one to figure this out, but I was so happy to finally find a solution that I figured I'd share this with anyone else who is having the same problem as me.  I've been having a bear of a time trying to find a customer service email address to voice this concern to, but all I ever find is this stupid FAQ trouble shooting menu online that doesn't help.   


Hope this can be helpful to someone. 

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Re: Dynamic ad rate and promoted listings problem solved (sort of).

Same here, thanks for the tip!

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Re: Dynamic ad rate and promoted listings problem solved (sort of).

Same issue here. I wanted to try the new Dynamic Promoted Listings feature to see if it made a difference in my sell thru rate...which honestly has been depressingly low for the last 6 mos. It seems like the only way to add this is on an individual listing basis from the Seller Manage Active Listing page and using the Promoted listings column to make the change. If you already have a promotion set for a listing you need to first end that promotion and then when you go back to add a new promotion the Dynamic feature pops up and you just need to click the promote button.  I tried to change them all using the bulk listing page but it only allows for a "fixed" rate promotion - not the Dynamic promotion. I hope ebay fixes this so we can use the bulk listing to make changes. It is very tedious to add this to my listings on a individual basis and is wasting time I could be using to add new listings.

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