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Didn't Win gone??

I've noticed this a few days the bidding section of your ebay page, there used to be a section that show item you bid on but didnt its gone. Anyone else having this issue. I figured this was another ebay clitch............

Message 1 of 35
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Didn't Win gone??

mine is gone too. I use this feature a lot so I know what I did not get, so I can bid on a new piece.

Message 2 of 35
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Didn't Win gone??

Mine is gone also.  Very annoying.  Used it to go find another similar item. How are we to remember everything we have bid on?  Wait, maybe my Hubby is right and I bid on too many items...

Message 3 of 35
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Didn't Win gone??

For the last 3 days - when I go to "Bids/Offers", the only text I see is:


"Items you didn't win will now show in the Didn't Win section of this page."  This text is in green lettering, with the "Didn't Win" as a link.  The link does not work.


Below the green text is a red line.  Below the red line is a red colored - !


So now I can't see anything I have bid on, nor can I see any item I didn't win.


Thank you ebay for this wonderful update.  Eveything was working until 3 days ago.  I'm sure if I call I will get the usual answer - "We are working on that".

Message 4 of 35
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Didn't Win gone??

Unfortunately, it's gone as of March 3, 2017. I find this to be extremely annoying, as I relied on this feature. I hope it's a temporary glitch.

Message 5 of 35
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Didn't Win gone??

I think I found it. Summary, Buy, Bids/Offers, then start scrolling down, Bidding, then Offers, then Didn't Win.

Message 6 of 35
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Didn't Win gone??

Today, 3/5, it is NOT there. I hate when eBay plays this game.

Message 7 of 35
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Didn't Win gone??

Mine is there but only the items I had not "hidden" before they closed. Anything I had marked as hide when I was outbid is gone forever. For things I am interested in seeing what they actually closed for, I'm just bookmarking the actual pages.

Message 8 of 35
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Didn't Win gone??

Thank you, for pointing me to the new secret location!  I just assumed it was gone.  It would be nice if ebay would let us know when they do a silly change like this.

The weird thing is, that all of my previously deleted Didn't WIn items, more than 40 of them back to January, are here too.

Message 9 of 35
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Didn't Win gone??

Thanks I found it there.

Message 10 of 35
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Didn't Win gone??

Many thanks for this useful info - I was completely flummoxed as to how to find it.


I have to say, it is pretty poor on ebay's behalf to arbitrarily make such an important part of a buyer's toolbox so inaccessible with not so much as a nod or a wink. Does anyone on ebay not test these things out or canvas opinions before putting changes like this live?

Message 11 of 35
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Didn't Win gone??

Yes, I found it and my thanks to those clever people who found it for me.

But! Why eBay? Why?

Message 12 of 35
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Didn't Win gone??

yes,where is it?????

Message 13 of 35
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Didn't Win gone??

Summary, Buy, Bids/Offers, then start scrolling down, Bidding, then Offers, then Didn't Win.

Message 14 of 35
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Didn't Win gone??

@jimnofireengine wrote:

Yes, I found it and my thanks to those clever people who found it for me.

But! Why eBay? Why?

a.  The don't like and don't understand auctions.

b.  "Industry Standard".

The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves.
Message 15 of 35
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