09-27-2017 08:40 AM
I have tried cancelling and relisting 3 times and nothing works. None of my other listings are like this.
My description looks like this:
How do I fix it?
Thank you.
09-27-2017 10:13 AM
09-27-2017 10:23 AM
Same here. Also get errors in WIndows IE and Chrome. Firefox was fixed a little while later, IE and Chrome still have the same issue. One error says certificate error. Other says content moved. Which is it?
09-27-2017 10:56 AM
I had the same problem today - listed an item and looked at the description and saw this. The description looks normal on my phone and on chrome so I am wondering if there was a Microsoft Edge update recently?
My pic is too big to post here but the message I got on my description is: Content was blocked because it was not signed by a valid security certificate.
My title and pic are fine - my description is blank except for this message (when viewed on MS Edge).
09-27-2017 11:02 AM
09-27-2017 04:33 PM
Still not working in Chrome, Edge, and FireFox - Invalid Site Certificate.
How many sales are we all losing? I can't believe they haven't fixed this yet.
09-27-2017 04:52 PM
I am having the same issue - but it seems to be only occurring on completed orders. My Live Auctions and Listings seem to be fine.
09-27-2017 07:12 PM
I'm having the same issue, but on sold orders, and newly scheduled listings. This is very frustrating !
09-28-2017 05:01 AM
This is also happening to me. It's been ongoing since yesterday. When I attempt to "revise" the description and then "preview" the changes the contents including description display fine, but when I return to the original listing they're still missing. Has anyone figured this out yet? Is there a common denominator? I am listing through the Sixbit auction management system.
09-28-2017 07:12 AM
This same thing has been happening to me since yesterday morning. Yesterday morning, I was getting system errors when trying to list, but despite the error it was still listing... Then new listings had the large grey box saying the object has moved when going to a listing directly from the seller's hub.. but when you go to my store and click an item, it displays normally. I think the issue only happens when signed into the sellers hub and click the listing from there.. but works normally when you browse to an item normally without using the hub. Either way, eBay has been having some issues since yesterday.. (at least when I noticed it). It also seems random.. some things display correctly from the hub... others don't. No idea what's going on but I hope it's fixed soon and hope it doesn't affect customers viewing items.
09-28-2017 07:46 AM
09-28-2017 08:04 AM
Edit 2: Nevermind - Firefox warns that the connection is not secure.
09-28-2017 02:52 PM
09-28-2017 04:13 PM
I just tried the same sold listings and I can see all my text again...we use Chrome!