12-04-2020 07:45 PM
Normally when I log on and click on My eBay I get a view of all lists that I am following. Currently, it is just redirecting me to Watch list. I don't have any thing in the default watch list, so if I want to check on listings I am following I have to go through each and every list manually. Anyone else having this problem, and does anyone know of a fix? I'm on windows 10 using the most current version of Fire fox. Ebay did this yesterday as well, but eventually it started working as it should. Today, I haven't had any luck.
12-15-2020 06:25 PM
I came back today to check to see if this problem had been fixed yet. It appears it has not. Very sad. I haven't been on ebay in about a week. I see no reason to waste time looking for items and saving them to lists if I have no reasonable way to track when they are ending. 😕 I really hope ebay fixes this. It's been a great place to buy stuff for years. I'll keep checking back to see if they've fixed this bug. Patience has limits though, and I'm sure myself and others will move on. If this for some crazy reason isn't a bug, ebay should let people know so we aren't waiting for a fix that will never come.
12-19-2020 12:14 PM
^^^ Same. Can't believe there hasn't been a response from eBay to any of the numerous threads on the issue, let alone a fix.
12-30-2020 02:28 PM
I have sent several messages. I have had live chat and left feedback that the issue was not resolved.
Same thing happened when the phone app stopped allowing the "all lists" view.
Numerous messages from me, no response from them.
12-30-2020 02:42 PM
Thank you for the reminder to send this feedback.
I just did.
I am not confident that it will get ebay to address the issue, but without pressure from their customers they certainly will not.
Really don't want to lose this feature!
01-01-2021 09:36 PM
i also faced this problem many times in the start but with the passage of time when i started researching on it then i finally found the solution i have the same solution for you if you are interested.
01-13-2021 01:30 PM
^^^ If you have a legitimate functional solution to the issue, PLEASE do post it here. You would be an instant eBay hero, as they appear to not have the slightest interest in fixing the problem themselves.