01-20-2023 06:45 AM
For the last two days this is what I get on one ID - other ones work
Tab says
No mention on tech board
Anybody have any Idea what's going on?
01-20-2023 06:55 AM
My guess is that when Ebay did their Thursday night maintenance, someone must have thrown a wrench into the system. Most likely just another glitch. I know you're shocked 😆
...Try listing again in about a 1/2 hour and hopefully the glitch will be worked out by then.
Have a great day.
01-20-2023 07:32 AM
This has been happening since Wednesday morning - before any update.
01-20-2023 07:34 AM
Where are the "technical issues police" when we need them?
01-20-2023 07:40 AM
I had no idea...I listed an item on Wednesday with no problems at all. hmmm??🤔
Any idea as to what's going on? Could you please pass this on to the proper department that handles these types of issues? Many thanks in advance.
01-20-2023 07:41 AM
Just a guess...........but since it's only on one id......the link you're using may be corrupted.....or not recognized for that id. I would try a different browser/clean cache, etc.......
01-20-2023 09:12 AM
Now at the store and the page works, so it something with the 'house' computer or browser [firefox] - have to do a chrome update so will shut down everything and see what happens when I restart.
01-20-2023 06:22 PM
OP again
Half a win
Updated both browsers and firefox still won't open a 'sell similar' page - BUT it did open the drafts that I created at the store, so I could upload the photos.
01-21-2023 08:06 AM
OP again
Just noticed that if we set the unsold page ... I mean ended page, to show 'all statuses' instead of just unsold and not relisted, and then pick something that has been relisted and 'shows' the sell similar as a clickable link, it works. But anything unsold/not relisted with the sell similar on the drop down list, they get the error message.
01-21-2023 01:59 PM
Steve, I use Firefox and using the dropdown sell similar on unsold page works for me....... You might try disabling any "add ons" in Firefox.... those can sometimes screw things up........