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Bring back 'Add to list' feature

I've searched the Knowledge Base and I know that this periodically happens to certain users as you beta test the option of shifting people to either Watch items or use collections.


Collections are janky and awful for sorting lists and engaging with the item. It's truly awful UX. Pinterest looks the way it does because people are just looking/enjoying images/thinking about beautiful things. By mimicking Pinterest, you are making the buying experience more frustrating and less intuitive. I feel zero inclination to save things to a collection that I can't readily engage with as a consumer—I'm on eBay to shop, not to create galleries. I already use Instagram, Pinterest, and Tumblr, and they all do it better because content creation and sharing are their actual objectives.


As for the Watch list, I'm constantly hitting the limit and having to delete things I'm not even fully ready to delete to make room for new items. So... seriously, what are you guys thinking? Do you want me to... shop less?

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