03-29-2023 08:17 AM
Not sure who can help me? I have been asking eBay the questions below many times, and some for over a year, by email, speaking with Customer Service, and on these same questions with no reply to date, please let me what I should do? I very frustrated with eBays lack of a response.
Currently I can sign in to eBay using my computer, but the app isn't taking my password and I can't even get an email to change/reset the password, which I really don't want to do. Also, again I received 4 saved searches emails on 2/20/23, but nothing since, and I used to get them daily. It has been over a year since I have received my daily saved searches emails, and am still waiting to receive them daily, which I have been reporting both of these issues to eBay with no response or fix to date, 3/27/23. Also, why can’t I send an invoice using the app when an item sells?
03-29-2023 08:43 AM
"Also, why can’t I send an invoice using the app when an item sells?" Unless you are combining shipping, there is no need to send any invoices. eBay does that already and you sending more is un-necessary.
Re the saved search email, make sure the send new listing is set to the send not block. Mine is off because I look every day to check new listings on my saved searches, otherwise my email just gets backed up and important personal emails get lost in the shuffle.
03-29-2023 09:29 AM
Are you certain you are signing in to the same eBay account on both devices?
If you were attempting to sign in to a different eBay account using the app, that would prevent your password from being accepted (unless both accounts have the same password). Any password reset requests would go the email address associated with that particular eBay account rather than the email address you may have been expecting.
Make sure you have the latest version of the eBay app for your operating system, or else uninstall the eBay app, restart your device, and then install the latest version of the eBay app. Then sign in using your username and password that you use on your desktop computer.
Saved Search emails are notoriously unreliable. You may want to try a third-party alternative. Try googling automated searches eBay for some possible options.
04-02-2023 02:25 PM
Thanks for the answer but, if ebay is sending invoices how do I know that since I have never received a copy from them in over 20 years of selling and send them with a copy to me using my laptop?
On my Saved Seaches I only get 2 options see below.
04-02-2023 02:35 PM
Is your device outdated? I can't use the ebay app on my oldest ipad which is at least 8 years old. That particular ipad tells me that the ebay app will not work on that device. That tablet has the latest updates too.
When I use my newer Ipad, I use the browser to send the invoices. The ebay app is useless for many items. Today I did not even bother trying to combine 3 invoices into 1 payment. I go directly to my desktop.
04-02-2023 02:55 PM
Are you certain you are signing in to the same eBay account on both devices? – Yes, as I only have one eBay account and have been successfully signing into it on both my phone and laptop for about a year, until about a month ago with no problems using the same password and devices.
If you were attempting to sign in to a different eBay account using the app, that would prevent your password from being accepted (unless both accounts have the same password). Any password reset requests would go the email address associated with that particular eBay account rather than the email address you may have been expecting. I have tried to reset the password several times but am not receiving the eBay reset email and haven’t changed my email in many years.
Make sure you have the latest version of the eBay app for your operating system, or else uninstall the eBay app, restart your device, and then install the latest version of the eBay app. Then sign in using your username and password that you use on your desktop computer. I have deleted the eBay app several times as directed by Customer Service with no success, and no other solutions.
Saved Search emails are notoriously unreliable. You may want to try a third-party alternative. Try googling automated searches eBay for some possible options. Thanks for the reply and tip! I had received saved searches emails daily for years, then they stopped over a year ago, out of the blue about 10 months ago I got several one day and none after that until a month ago the same thing happened. I have reported this about 15 times over the last year to Customer Service who assures me Tech Services is working on it and should have it fixed but no follow up or daily emails have been received to date. What bothers me more is my sales and purchases are both down probably because this feature is no longer working?
04-02-2023 11:26 PM
i would suggest using their "contact me by phone" tech support and see if you can't get this escalated. this is unreasonable for them to leave you hanging but emails get lost.