07-21-2022 06:09 AM
Why can't I make my store offer my listings in the order I need them to be? I've always had my listing set up to show starting with the highest priced items first. The option for the person to see them as "newly listed" or otherwise was an option, which was fine.
Now they are listed in "best match" & I can't get it to change no matter what I click on. I don't want my listings to be listed hap-hazard and not in any particular order. I need to be able to have them listed how "I" want them to be.
07-21-2022 06:16 AM
07-21-2022 06:19 AM
Just another example of Ebay helping sellers! Improve by remove!
07-21-2022 07:01 AM
Your store will be displayed however the user searching it chooses.
I have my default search sort set to "Newly Listed", so when I open your store page, I see your items in "Newly Listed" order. Other users with different default sort orders will see different sorts.
07-21-2022 07:19 AM
Well ... not quite @eburtonlab.
Store landing page defaults to best match always with zero control in seller/buyer hands.
Store search page defaults to whatever the seller had set as the default before eBay removed that setting - this is the setting OP is looking for that no longer exists.
Regular search page showing a seller's listings (separate from store view) defaults to the buyer's saved search settings.
Read more here if you want to get into the nitty gritty of it.
07-21-2022 07:36 AM
I am not a seller so I do not have firsthand experience with specific pages that only a seller can see, so it is entirely possible that the OP is talking about a different page entirely.
As a buyer, I reach the seller's store page by going to the seller's profile page and clicking on "Visit Store". That takes me to a "new" pseudo storefront with no sort options and a limited item selection:
If I scroll to the bottom of the page and use the "See all" link, then I wind up here:
That page has a sort option, and the default option I see is the same option I have chosen in my search customization menu. If I change my default sort, the store default changes as well, though it remains in gallery mode even though I have list view as a default.
07-21-2022 01:49 PM
I checked things out and a change was made within the last few weeks. Thanks @eburtonlab. I'll amend what I wrote above.
Store landing page defaults to best match gallery always with zero control in seller/buyer hands.
Store search page defaults to whatever the seller had set as the default before eBay removed that setting. the buyer's saved search settings in terms of sort order (but not gallery/list - it defaults to gallery).
Regular search page showing a seller's listings (separate from store view) defaults to the buyer's saved search settings (both sort order and gallery/list display).