04-29-2022 12:32 AM
Whats going on? Drafts not saving and listings just hang when submitted, deleted and downloaded the latest version of the app again and still not working
04-29-2022 06:54 PM
Having the same issue as well.
04-29-2022 07:54 PM
C'mon Ebay, fix this issue!
04-29-2022 08:25 PM
Having the same issues. Terribly frustrating.
I restarted my phone with no effect. Deleted and re-installed the app - that seemed to work for one listing, but then back to the issues. I can't list through the app (hangs after hitting submit), it won't save a draft correctly for me to then list from my laptop (photos and changes to shipping are lost when saving), and "import from mobile" function on the website not working correctly (notification comes up on app and allows me to take the photos, but photos don't send to the listing to finish up on website).
05-03-2022 05:51 AM
Any update to this? I'm having the exact same problem. It was working fine but now drafts on my phone are not saving correctly and it hangs when trying to submit a listing. If I close out of the app and go back in I can list then.
A fix would be greatly appreciated!!!
05-03-2022 06:44 AM
Same, the app isn't correctly saving drafts, and will only rarely complete the submission of a listing. I normally do 30-40 listings per day and this is severely impacting my ability to run my business. It's been going on for 5 days now, it's time for an answer eBay.
05-03-2022 07:39 AM
05-03-2022 08:19 AM
This eBay bug is making it impossible to list effectively. With no updates from eBay. What's the point in paying for a subscription when i can't even list without have issues on every draft and new listing i try to list. WE NEED ANSWERS EBAY!!!!!!
05-03-2022 09:11 AM
I was just in a chat with eBay for over an hour and was told they are aware of and working on these Android issues, but that it could be 72 hours before they have been resolved. Not pretty to say the least.
05-03-2022 12:32 PM - edited 05-03-2022 12:35 PM
Having same issue on my end. Can get one listing done, but then issue comes back.
05-04-2022 03:31 AM
I too am having the same issue. This has been going on for about 5 days now. I thought by now the problem would be fixed. Very frustrating!! They could at least let us know what is going on and when this might be fixed. Ridiculous!
05-04-2022 07:15 AM
Im having these issues too, i contacted ebay today because its getting out of hand and i tried everything on my end. They put in a trouble ticket and assured me that its effecting them too because they too are sellers. They would not comment on the issue or the status of the fix and just kept telling me to list using a computer. They suggested i call back after 24 hours.
This one got me a little hot around the collar.